Fr x UK X US X

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A couple of days passed and all the drama that had happened before in the dark alley was cleared. The brothers avenged his brother and all I had to do was just tell the poor boy from Israel that he had to go to the same dark alley.
Of course, I didn't leave the boy behind, so I decided to look out for him from a distance. If Gupta and his brothers tried anything funny, I don't know what would I do but at least I would try to help the guy.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard Alfred's voice and I was quickly hit back to the present.
Alfred and I are at good terms now, and we discussed not to talk about that night.
"Nothings wrong." I said and stood up. "I need to get going, class will start soon."
"Just a little while!" He said and I could see his pout even though he tried to hide it.
"I can't . I have classes."
"Nerd" Alfred muttered under his breath but I choose to ignore it.
After I got seated, I was hit by the realisation that one of our teachers is sick so someone has to replace them....and I know exactly who its gonna be.
"Good evening, students!" The frog said and sat on the chair facing me straight. He was completely ignoring my stare and I don't know why this irritated me that much. I mean, I was the one ignoring him, not the other way around.
Through out the whole two hours I kept glaring at him but he still ignored me.
That bustard! Ugh, look at me, you twat!
After the class had ended and Francis went straight for the door, I quickly stood up and went after him. I tried to stay hidden and stalk him, but I burned with desire...
Desire to punch him straight in the face.
Finally after a couple of corridors and stairs, the frog decided to stop in an empty hallway and lean his back against the wall.
I watched from a distance, but I could still pick up what he said.
I don't know what was I doing, but I left my hiding place and went straight for him. I clenched my fists and was ready for a punch. I wanna know why was he whispering my name over and over again. Just before I reached him, Francis put his hand on his chest and clenched in a fist and whispered my name again, this time filled with more pain and suffering. I slowly stopped untill I was right in front of him , but he still didn't notice me.
I could sense that amount of depression he was in but I didn't know what to do about it...until...
I raised my hand and slapped him across his face. He looked at me with eyes full of shock and terror.
"Arthur?" He asked almost without a noise.
"Don't 'Arthur' me! Pull your self together!" I said with a rather loud voice. I looked both ways but no one was still there.
"I can't, not after what happened that night. I just feel so guilty!" He said and pinned his gaze between his feet.
"Just forget it!" I said and looked the other way.
Sure, I wanted for him to get better but I didn't want him to forget what happened then..but..he looks so miserable.
"Look." I said and forced him to look Mr straight in the eyes. "You'll do everything I say for a week as an apology and I'll totally forget what happened then, ok?"
His eyes widened and some spark appeared in them which was a good sign.
"Hmm" He only said and nodded.
Of course, I thought hell forget this the next day but nooo.
He had to follow me around the whole school like some kind of puppy. I was beginning to get annoyed but after all, this is my fault. I made him like that...and I want it to stop.
After the day finished and everybody was returning home, I went to Francis and ordered him to drive me home. Of course he accepted. I wanted him to drive me so I can tell him that he can stop with the whole 'obey my orders' stuff, but no matter how many chances went, I kept my mouth shut. I was even surprised when I invited him home.
In my home!
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah, come right in" I said and both of us went to my apartment. It was small but overly nice and comfy. I loved alone so I didn't have to worry about parents or some roommate disturbing our 'talk'.
"Listen here..." I was about to say something important when I saw Francis's eyes focused on mine. They were staring at me but at the same time, they weren't. He was so focused on my eyes that when he came closer I blushed and I awaited his complement about my green eyes.
"You're eyes are so...ordinary." He said simply and that was enough for me to slap him again.
"Hey, what was that for?!" He asked and rubbed his face with his hand.
"Forget it!" I said more to myself than to him.
I was still blushing and then I saw his smirk.
"You're clear as a crystal." He said and came even closer.
I was sitting on the couch and he was on a chair right across me. When he came closer, dragging the chair with him, I sunk inside the couch.
"Hey..." I whispered and looked at him with a shocked expression.
"No need to be afraid." That was the last thing he said before our lips met.
The strange thing is that I didn't resist. Like, at all!
I returned the kiss, and I was surprised by myself because of how impatient I was while kissing him. Francis put his hand on the back on my head and pulled me closer to him. We kissed so passionately that there was no room for air. I had to push him slightly so I can take my breath.
"First time kissing?" Asked Francis mockingly.
"Hell no!" I answered, but obviously I was lying. I was kissed him.
"You sure?" He asked and I could see that his eyes were completely clouded.
"Yeah, I kissed someone before this!" I said and blushed harder.
"Like I said, clear as a crystal." He said and kissed me softly on the lips.
After that Francis stood up and took his shirt off. He sat on me, spreading his legs and then he put both of his hands in my hair. His blue eyes were so dark now, clouded with a dark smoke which eventually reached me by the time of the next kiss.
"I want... I want..." Francis panted and moved his hips. He broke the kiss and a small string of saliva was still connecting us. He closed his eyes and slowly went to my neck leaving kiss marks all over my upper body. At one point he moved his hips closer to mine and I could feel how hard he was, still he didn't make a move to remove his pants. Then it hit me.
He thinks that I want to stay a virgin so he's restraining himself.
I started to bite the inside of my lips and with a shaky hand I started to stroke his crouch. I faint moan escaped Francis's mouth and I was immediately turned on. I started to play with it more until Francis was a moaning mess on top of me, his head resting on my shoulder.
"Please...I want to..." He muttered and pressed his hot body against mine.
"Please." I whispered and dug my nails into his back.
Everything after that happened in a flash. Francis stood up, picked me and some pillows around me and placed them on the floor together with me on top of them already naked and then I felt Francis's bare skin on mine. He kissed every part of my body until he reached down there.
"No, wait!" I panicked and covered myself with a pillow.
Francis seemed to not care and removed the pillow with ease and leaned his head just close enough to my member that I could feel his breath on me. He started to put it in slowly and I had no other choice but to moan. Everything changed when he started to suck. I almost wanted to scream his name but instead I held his head with both hands and started to move his head faster. I was about to come when he suddenly pulled out and looked me straight in the eyes.
"Not yet." He simply said and stared to look for something around my apartment. I wanted to ask him what he was looking for but from my mouth escaped faint moans and panting.
"Found it." Whispered Francis while holding a bottle of lube.
I totally forgot that I had it. I used it once on my burned hand and then I put it somewhere to be forgotten. I used it on my hand as a replacement of oil and it never crossed my mind that I could use it again for this.
"Ready?" Asked Francis and put some lube on his hands. I knew what he was about to do and quite frankly, I was scared but I would never admit that.

**********Don't kill me for stopping it right in the middle

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Don't kill me for stopping it right in the middle.
And btw, if there was a sentence that doesn't make sense, blame it on autocorrect. I just type and let it handle the rest. 😂😂😅😅

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن