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Natsuhime here:

This is not related to hetalia (like some of my other chapters here), but I wanted to share the sad news that happened in Nice, France. Sadly, 84 people died and over a 100 injured, and I truly feel sorry for all the people that lost a loved one. Some of those people could be my readers, a victim could have been my reader and it saddens me that I don't know what is happening exactly with the people that suffered. I just wanna go there and hug every single one of them.
It's just that some people lost a mother, a father or even a child and now those very same people don't know what to do without them. Please, pray for them. Pray for them so they can find closure and hope in life again, even if some of you guys are atheists, just hope...please.

And for some other people who probably till now think that I only think about what is happening in France and the western world and not any other eastern country, well, you're wrong.
Yeah, I feel sorry for the western world only because they don't know the pain and suffering the eastern world has suffered. They don't know what to do or expect when some terror attack happen.
Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan, Jordan, Libya, Tunis, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Djibouti, Iman, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey...All these countries experience terror attack but the media tries to shut it down as unimportant or unnecessary issue.
Please try to understand that those countries are used to the terror attack and we should not feel sorry for them.
We should feel tragically sad for them.
Can you imagine living in constant fear that the next attack might be tomorrow, the next hour or the next minuet and you don't know when the last goodbye is? That thing is terrifying. I know that out of the experience of others.
Let me tell you some of the issues the media just decided to ignore:

1. Most victims of Isis aren't Christians, atheists or Jews, no... most of their victims are actual Muslims. So next time you hear that Isis is an Islamic extremist attackers, please tell them that they do not have anything to do with Islam. If there is something that is called an Muslim extremists, then he should be extremely kind, extremely generous, extremely kind and I can go on if you want.

2. Syrians won't 'rape' any women, they won't 'steal' your possession and they most certainly won't do you any harm or start a war. You know why? Because that's the very same reason they fled from their homes. Those people try to find a new home where they will try to fit, but they only get rejected because the actions of few.

3.Egypt is dealing with national crisis, although the government ignores it. The people are starving to death, the prices and too damn high for a basic minimum wage and there's no clean water to drink. Do you know how miserable the people are there and on top of that, anyone who tries to solve the problem by pointing out and protesting that the government is you know what happened to those very same people? They were either:
    1)Killed on the spot
    2)Taken to prison
    3)Went missing (you probably know what I mean)
    4)Sentenced to life in prison
I know that most of the top are similar, but every one of them holds a different pain. And of course the missing one is the hardest. I mean, try to imagine not knowing when will your loved one return? Is he alive? Is he someone out there, safe?
I know all those from personal experience and the experience of others.  I'm thankful that for now, no one I know is dead but multiple of them went to prison with life sentence(is it spelled like that, idk).


4. Most of Palestine's youth are being killed by the Israeli soldiers in fear that they can grow up and defend their stolen land. Can you imagine living peacefully until someone says that you're kicked out and now other people are living the life you now wish for? It's horrible.

5. If you think that Saudi Arabia is safe just because it's something like the Islamic capitol and that Isis won't even think about attacking that place, well, you're wrong. They attacked the center in Madina (I think) Multiple people were injured.

6.Lebanon has been in war with year against Israel for the same reason Palestine is and now they have to deal with Isis too.

7. The people of Sudan are being ripped apart into forming two different countries, can you imagine the families that will be torn apart because of this on the future?

8. Libya is a war zone now. I can't tell how many were killed but it's a lot. Many families fled the country seeking refuge. I recently watched a talent show in Bulgaria and there was this Libyan/Bulgarian boy that used to live there , he said that he had to fight in order to survive... a teenage boy. He said that most of his friends were killed.

8. The attacks in Baghdad were so overlooked by the media, that it made me sick. 84 people dead  in France (please not that I'm not taking this light heartedly, human lives are serious, no matter to whom they belonged to), the whole world loses their shit about it.
200+ people dead in Baghdad? No one even cares... just why? What did they ever do to deserve this?

9.The Istanbul attacks and the airport attacks in Turkey were only mentioned briefly. As if it was just another 'accident'.

10.A lot of Muslims are being killed around the world just because of their religion, can you imagine? And then they think that Muslims are the ones that kill people from other religions. Open your eyes. In this world, it's the person the decides to kill, not their religion.

11.Just as I said before:
A lot of terrorists are Muslims, but not every Muslim is a terrorist. If we really were, then the whole human race would just *poof* gone! Those terrorists are like less than 1 percent of us. Don't put all of use ender the same dominator.

12. "If you kill a person, it was as if you killed all of humanity" ~ Quran

I'll end my rant here because I don't know if I will ever finish or how will I finish, but I hope you learned a thing or two from this. I wish you a happy and peaceful day.
And please pray for those who lost their lives in those tragic events.

Ps... sowy if spelled something just writing without editing.

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