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Hello, ladies and gentlemen, it's me Nadia and I want to tell you to never go to one of these parties ever.
Like, Egypt invited me to this party with Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Ireland and some other countries and told me it'll be fun.
Fun my ass!
Those retards got drunk and had one hell off a party. Bulgaria started to make out with Romania, Greece and Macedonia were kissing in the dark, Serbia and Ireland were fighting over if rakija was better than beer and so on... Ugh, I'll never recover from some things.
Why didn't I stay with my dear old friend Lebanon? She's such a sweetie....ahhh.
Ah, yeah, the party -.-".  England started questioning his religion again. France was trying flirt with Hungary (did I say that I love that girl? I like the way she just does....stuff) but when he failed, he came crawling towards me.
Of course we kissed! My foot was totally making out with his face. Ahhhmmm, the look on his face. PRICELESS!
The only thing I enjoyed was when Russia tied the Baltics to chairs and started tormenting them together with Belarus. I had so much fun then, and the weird thing was I still enjoyed it when Gupta showed up. Probably that's the only thing I like about that dude. The look in his eyes when he inflicts pain in others, it just turns me o-... *cought* I mean, it totally annoys me! 
Ok, enough talking for now, I should keep my image of an innocent little girl.

Thants how unfortunate men enter my layer, hehehe

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