Fem!Egypt x Greece

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Natsuhime : k, this is just a small part of it but soon will come. *wink wink*
Bulgaria : No need to be so obvious. *circles eyes*
Natsuhime : No need to be like your cousin Poland.

As I was wondering through my castle, I stumbled on a piece of rock that was not supposed to be there. Luckily, I fell on something soft, but hard at the same time. I could tell that it was a man, because when both of us fell, I heard his quick curse.
I looked up and was surprised to see one of the greek emperors looking down at me with an amused smile. I turned red and quickly stood up, helping him in the process.
"Sorry for all that. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said and quickly went past him, but he held my hand and I was forced to look at him.
"You're Nadia, right? The Egyption spirit?" He said and gave me a sweet smile.
"Yes." I said and returned the smile. Then I frowned and said, "Who do you know who I am? And how do you know I am a spirit? "
"I've heard of ypu existence and when I saw you, you were giving off the same vibes as one of my friends." He said and waved at me, "See you later, egyptian spirit. " He said and left.
I turned around and left the castle, but as soon as I was out of sight, I forgot why was I out the first place. Oh, never mind, I'll just wonder off somewhere.
I was looking at the small shops at the streets and a necklace caught my eye. When I saw it clearer,  I quickly grabbed it and gave the man some money. It was simply too beautiful to not buy it.
Ot was a golden scarab with green precious gems. A thin golden lace placed around my neck. Quite unusual really. Usually the accessories here are full of gems and thick gold, but this one was simply...simple.
"I see you've gotten yourself a new necklace." Said the pharaoh the night after that.
"Yeah, I really like that it's simple." I said and touched the scarab.
"I like it too." Said his wife and went closer to me to see it.
We were sitting in the grand hall, playing some games. People from other nations find it strange thag the 'king' of Egypt plays childish games, but its pretty normal here.
I smiled mischievously and looked at the pharaoh.
"Don't tell me..." He looked at me with horror and I threw my cards at the ground,  were we usually sit to play.
"I win again."
"No fiar, you always win." He said and pouted.
"Because I have hundreds of years of experience." I said and stood up. "I have to go. The emperor needs me."
"For what?" He asled and frowned.
"Some work, its not your business." I said and left as he was about to protest.
I entered the emperor's chamber and I saw him looking down a map. His face was concerned,  alarmed even.
"What's wrong?"
"A, you're here! I wanted you to help me with something." He said and motiomed for me to get closer. He pointed to his land and then his finger traveled east. "The Ottoman Empire are getting closer to our borders and we're afraid that we'll need your help. Heracles said I need to figure this out alone, on how to push them back, but I'm out of ideas."
"Let me see." I looked at the map and I had to say, the situation was terrible. He had marked the places the Ottoman Empire had occupied and how many men had died at a given place. "Hmm." I followed the arrow that led to one of their main towns, Thessalonika, with my finger and then I pointed towards the gates of the town. "Leave two guards at the gates and leave everything as it is till now. Let the people do their usual work and surely the army will see that it'll be a trap."
"What?! Only two guards?" The emperor said and slamed his fist on the table.
"You see, I like my wars to be fought mentally. No need for blood, but if you insist, send the people to the next town and replace them with your elite soldiers dressed as normal villagers. Keep weapons hidden in homes and shops, but make them well hidden. I'm sure that foul man, Sadiq, will send a spy of some sort." I looked at the man and I only saw a small child playing with fire. I hated wars. Why should we fight? So many of my friends died because of them, people or countries.
"I- thank you, that was so simple yet brilliant." His eyes were open so wide that I thought they'd pop out. I gave him a smug smile and said, "You need to see these matters through the eyes of a child, treat it like a game. You never use the obvious tricks because you know that everybody knows them, but at war, they believe that behind the obvious attack there always leys a hidden attack, so they ignore the hungry tiger that you unlished at them."
"That was well said, Nadia." Said a familiar voice behind me. I looked behind me and saw the pharaoh, smiling my way. "I suggest you go with him. Help him with the upcoming war and return." He looked at the emperor and back at me. He raised his hands and put them on my shoulders. "Maybe, just maybe, you can find someone for you." He said and pinched my cheek.
"You know I hate that! "I said and grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him just when he exited the room.
"He's a child at heart." Said the emperor and laughed. "Guess you're leaving with me tomorrow. "
"Tomorrow?" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, you didn't know when this sexy thing will leave?" He said and winked at me. His green eyes sparkled and his light brown hair fell to his face. I laughed and lightly hit him on his chest.
The next couple of days weren't so nice. Days riding on a horse(I don't like careges), and then a couple of days on sea.
I can say that the people there treated me kindly and gave me all the lexuries of the world, but I declined. I also came here to change from the treatment I had in Egypt. Whenever I wanted something they always presented it to me on a golden plate, but I don't like things to be that easy.
Some night before the battle, I sneaked out of the castle in Athens and went to look around to see something I liked. Of course, I grabbed from Egypt some golden coins and I intend to spend them all.
"Ah!" I saw some earings that would go great with my new necklace. They were bright green and in the form of small arrows pointing dawn ward.
I went to the old lady that sells them and handed her two golden coins. She frowned and I thought she wanted more so I put five. She exclaimed in greek and pushed them back to me. I was about to argue, but some man with a hood on put some bronze coins and took the earings and handed them to me.
"Here you can have them." He said and I was about to thank him when I snapped. This guy could talk egyptian.
"Where did you learn to speak egyptian?" I asked and bent down a little to try and see his face. He only backed away and said, "I have my ways."
I smiled and stood next to him, "It would be great if someone who could speak egyptian show me around."
The man seemed hesitant at first, but then he nodded his head. "Sure." He said and I could sense the smile on his face.
We walked around a little, neither of us speaking, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
"So tell me." The man started, but then stopped.
"Tell you what?" I asked and raised my eyebrows.
"Why do you come here? I mean, I see that you're probably some noble from Egypt, but I don't see why'd you come here, to the poorest past of the town?" He said and at the same time gave a begger a silver coin.
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Well, I kinda always had everything served to me right away. I never had to work to earn something and it becomes boring after a while, but when I'm with the poor, I feel alive. I can feel their hard work and it gives me motivation to work hard for my land." I smiled and jumped a few steps. "You know what? Sometimes I hate these heavy golden necklaces and earings, they make me feel as if I'm a bird trapped in a cage. I like simple things." I heard the man laugh, but then it turned to histerical laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked and narrowed my eyes at him.
"No, it's just that I thought I'm the only one!" He said through laughter but then he suddenly stopped. "Sorry, I have to go." He simply said and left. I wanted to go ofter him, but I lost him in the huge crowd.
The next day I was scolded like a child by the emperor. Obviously his servents were also his eyes. The man sighed and signaled for someone to come inside. A tall man with green eyes and brown hair that rached his shoulders came to the room. The moment he saw me, he stopped at his tracks and both me and the emperor were confused.
"Sorry." He said and bowed to me. I'm sure that I heard his voice before and I immediately knew were did I heard it from, but I still acted as if I didn't know that man through the whole meeting.
"Do you agree, Nadia?" The emperor's voice cleared my mind and I nodded, not knkwing for what. "Great, then you'll be traveling with Hercules to Thessaloniki."
I looked at the man and smiled.
Oh,this will be fun!

Hetalia Ships/ Randomness [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя