Great another thing to mentally prepare for. Hugging this girl? I can hardly breath around her.

"You know you still haven't told me where we are going, you just emailed me "Be ready by 4:30".

I looked over at her while she looked out the window. I decided to take her to this old diner my father use to take us too. It's on the outskirts of the city and we shouldn't get hoarded by camera's and people.

"A diner my father use to take me too."

She smiled and fiddle with the hem of her skirt.

"So your father was a sales man?"

I was taken off guard as she said something that only my family and people who lived in this small part of town know of.

"Yes he was." I said cautiously.

"My granddad told me." She said smiling from ear to ear.

I smiled as well not being able to fight the contagious of hers. As if feeling like my smile was an okay to continue she began to tell me about her grandad. Actually this is the first time she has ever spoken about her family.

"He use to sell supplies to my Grandad old fishing shop!"

I simply nodded trying to keep up with her story and pay attention to the road.

"When I said your last name he said 'You be safe working for that family they're controlling'.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"What, It's true you're very controlling."

"When you own an extremely huge company sometimes you have to control your environment." I said pulling into the restaurant and parking.

I stepped out the car and made my way to her door. I opened it and she smiled.

"I went out on a date with this guy and sat in the car waiting for him to open the door, it took him asking the hostess for a table or two before he realized I wasn't behind him." She said walking besides me and giggling.

"Well aren't you lucky my mother taught me manners."

"I'm thanking her in my head now." She said winking and causing me to slightly blush.

She doesn't need to be so adorable. I opened the restaurant door and was hit with nostalgia. I realized perhaps something more fancy would've been better.

"I hope this place sells breakfast for dinner and please lord tell me they have deep fried home  fries." She said practically salivating at the sizzling plate that just passed by.

"Mr. Worthington you have just brought me to my new favorite indulgence!"

I smiled and asked for a table for two. The hostess brought us to our table and told us to enjoy.

"How come you ignore that?"

"Ignored what?" I said not realizing I missed something. Did she say something? I normally listen when she talks. If its not dribble.

"The hostess begging for your attention, you've got to go on dates man!"

I thought this was one.

"Interested in my love life miss Victoria?"

"I'm a concerned friend not wanting you to die alone." She said nodding sincerely.

"Welcome to Bob's kitchen, what are ya'll having tonight?"

The waitress interrupted our conversation right on time. Thank God.

"I'll have the country scrambler with a side of 2 turkey sausage, hash browns and a biscuit."

The waitress looked at her and gave her a skeptical look.  

"I've seen her down an 8 piece from popeyes by herself in the break room if the scrambler is big she can handle it."  I said coming to her defense before the waitress made her feel fat. Honestly I don't know where the food goes. She is perfect.

"Oh okay. And what can I get you sir." The waitress said with her cheeks tinted red probably because I say her judgment.

"Same." I said handing her the menu and looking at Victoria who was smiling from ear to ear. I'm getting way to use to that goofy smile.

"Alrighty and are we celebrating anything tonight?"

Before I could say no Victoria was speaking.

"Our 7 month anniversary." She said looking towards me.

The waitress said thank you and walked away.

"7 months has it only been 7 months?" I said trying to sound like an in love lover.

"7 wonderful amazing months." She said her cheeks tinting that beautiful shade.

This isn't going to last is it? Nothing good last. No, before I lose whatever this is I need to cut it off. Right when that thought crossed my mind she pulled out a small box from her purse and passed it to me.

"Victoria, what is this?"

I opened it up and it was an engraved gold bookmark.

"I noticed you always fold over the pages you read in your books at lunch so I thought you might like this, but um..thank you for giving me an opportunity I know I annoy the crap out of you but."

As she rambled on I just stared at the book mark. I loved it. I didn't want to tell her I had a few. I just appreciated the gesture. I can't believe this really was kind of an anniversary.

"So um..thank you James." She said putting a lock of hair behind her ear.

I didn't know what to say. So I just said the truth.

"I enjoy seeing you every day and you bring so much to my company, I'm glad you tumbled into my office."

She looked stunned at my response and before she could speak the waitress came with our meal.

"Alrighty here we are, and after our meal I have an anniversary dessert for the lovely couple."

Lovely couple? No.

"Actually it's a work anniversary." Victoria said smiling at the waitress.

I frowned a little at her not liking the fact that she corrected the waitress. Yes, it is a business anniversary, still we could have played along little more. Was she not enjoying this little game?


She brought me out of my musings and touched my hand. Have we ever touched before? She is getting comfortable. I moved my hand away and picked up my utensil.

"Yes?" I answered curtly.

"Just saying your food is getting cold, you zoned out."

She didn't look up again and kept the conversations short. Perfect. Because this is business.

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