Chapter Twenty

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During the next few months, Zayn and I worked on wedding details. Lindsey always tagged along. She was more excited to know if I would look like a princess.

"I just want something simple." I kept staring at the dresses. They were all white but they looked big or small sometimes.

"Zayn took his time to find a dress you would like." Tori, my personal designer, came back with another dress. It was strapeless. It looked looked expensive but yet simple. Like always. "Try it on."

I took the dress and entered the dressing room. I took my clothes off and put the dress on. It fitted perfectly. It had a tail that made it look beautiful. That's how I loved things. Beautiful and simple. I stepped outside of the dressing room and looked at my mom.

"What do you think?" She looked me up and down and smiled.

"I love it. You'll look gorgeous." I smiled back at her and entered the dressing room to get changed. Once I came out again, I gave the dress back to Tori.

"I'll take it." She smiled and gave the dress to one of her employees. Mom and I paid for it but left it just because Zayn was always sneaking around and would want to see it. I knew he picked out that dress for me but I wanted it to be a surprise.

Mom and I were sitting at Nandos, waiting for the boys and Lindsey to come. I ordered a Coke while mom ordered a glass of water. We stayed silent until I heard a familiar voice.

"Vas Happenin'?" I looked up and sas Zayn giving Lindsey a piggy back ride. The other boys laughed. He never changes. "Come on Linds. Say 'Vas Happenin' to mommy."

"Pft 'appenin'!" She giggled. I took in her features. He looked a lot like her dad now. Her brown eyes were just like his but with a hint of green in them. Her lips were even pouty and the way she acted was everything like him. I chuckled and moved aside so Lindsey could sit beside me and in between Zayn and I.

"I can't believe you taught her that." He pecked my lips before sitting down. Niall and Harry had worried look on their faces. "What's wrong guys?"

"It's shocking to see that after all these years we are the only members from the band who are still single." Niall frowned while Harry smiled.

"I think Harry has something to say." He blushed and looked down. "Come on Hazza."

"I... I'm dating someone." Zayn choked on his water while my eyes widened. "Her name's Viviana and we'd been dating for six months now."

"Wait! Did you say six months?" He nodded. "You're having a serious relationship!"

"Yeah. My mom and Gemma already know it. They met her the last time they came to visit." I smiled at him. The Harry Styles finally made it.

"Congratulations Harry. You deserve it." Zayn patted Harry's back and was startled when we heard a fart. "Nialler!"

"It wasn't me. I swear." He looked serious but I suddenly knew who it was as Lindsey giggled from beside me.

"Lindsey!" She started giggling even louder. See? She was just like Zayn.

"Owwy." She tried apologizing, making me smile. I kissed the top of her head and offered her a fry after letting it cool. We continued on eating as the family we had been for years.

We were finally home. Zayn and I were watching TV while Lindsey took a nap.  Out of nowhere, Zayn's phone went off.

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