Chapter Five

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Friday was finally here. I was sitting backstage with Alina as we were waiting to be called on stage. This year we were performing to Lady Gaga's Just Dance. We had spent the year working hard to perfection it.

"Okay, girls. Finish everything you're doing. 5 minutes until showtime." There it was. Brenda, my favorite dance teacher, had decided to switch schools and thankfully she had landed with me and Alina. Sure, she was older now. But she still had the moves.

"I'm so nervous." Alina played with the ends of her hair. I sat down next to her and placed my hands on my lap.

"Don't be. We've been doing this for years. We have to give our best." I smiled at her . She tried smiling back but failed.

"I wish mom was here." A frown fell on her lips. You see, Alina's mom passed away two years earlier when the doctors had diagnosed breast cancer at a very late stage. Alina's been growing strong but I know she has it hard sometimes with just her dad or by herself.

"She's proud of you. Remember that." I gave her a hug right before being called on stage. We got in our starting positions. Everything was dark and I could her the crowd murmuring. I was ready to do this.

As the music began to play, I let it take over my body. My hips moved to the rythm as well did my feet. I searched through the crowd and found my mom and dad watching me. Proud smiles and tears of joy showing on their faces. I smiled to myself as continued dancing. Searching in the crowd again, I found Zayn sitting with my family... and Rebecca. I tried forgetting about it and focused on the choreo and the stage. After the song finished, we took a bow and headed backstage.

"That was awesome!" Alina was more excited than I was. I hugged her tight.

"I told you we could do it!" She let go off me  and looked at behind me. I turned around to be greeted by parents, Zayn and Rebecca.

"You did great, little carrot!" My dad took me in an embrace. I smiled while hugging him. I made him proud just like he made me.

"Thanks dad." We let go off each other and I went to hug my mom. She was crying. I hugged her tighter and smiled.

"You did great honey. I'm so proud of you." Between sobs that's all that came out. She let go off me and kissed my forehead. Then it was Zayn's turn.

"You did an amazing job out there, Noah. You better keep on practicing." He took me in an embrace. Once again, I inhaled his sweet and manly cologne. We let go and smiled at each other. "I got you something."

"Zayn, you shouldn't have." I took the present in my arms and stared at it. I looked up at Zayn and his stare said everything. He wanted me to open it. I ripped the paper and stared at the present. A set of Pandora bracelets. "Uh, wow. Thank you Zayn."

I was getting ready the next morning. We were going to visit Samuel, Liam's son, at the treatment center. He was four and had health problems. His heart was too smaal for his body so Liam and Danielle decided to take him there. We walked down the hall and I picked up my pace. I wanted to surprise my favorite little cousin. I looked through the glass window of his room.. He was watching Power Rangers like always. I opened the door and sneaked my head in.

"Is this Mr. Payne's bedroom?" He looked my way, quickly jumping out of bed.

"Noah!" I finally entered the room and picked him up once he got closer.

"Aw! I've missed you so much. How has Dr. Maxwell's been treating you?" Mom and dad entered the room and we sat down on the couch beside Samuel's bed.

My Dad's Best Friend | 1D FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang