Chapter Fifteen

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August 5th.

I missed the summer fun that year but I didn't care. Lying on a hospital bed, I took deep breaths as I felt another contraction. Dad stood beside the bed looking at me.

"Relax, Noah. This is your first baby and we don't want to complicate things." He removed a strand of hair out of my face and gave me a smile.

"I know. Thanks for being here dad." I let out another yell as another contraction came. "I think mom is freaking out."

"She is." He chuckled as the doctor came in. "What's wrong, doctor?"

"The baby's been trying to come out since the last 12 hours. We'll need your help so she can come out." He read the paper he held in his hand and then looked at me.

"Okay. Anything for my baby." He smiled and called the nurse. I, soon found myself sorrounded by 4 nurses and the doctor. I started sweating when I felt a liquid come out of me. Lindsey was about to come.

"Okay, Noah. I need you to push as much as you can." I pushed once and took deep breaths. "You can do it. Come on."

Dad held my hand as I pushed.  The pain was getting worse. I lost Zayn already and I wasn't going to risk my daughter's life.

"Okay." I took more deep breaths and pushed one more time when my head fell back. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a small figure crying. It was blurry and right there, it all went black.


I was awoken by different sounds coming from some machines. I felt a wire wrapped around my head. It was an oxygen mask. I looked at my sorroundings. Dad was sitting on a couch with mom's head resting on his lap. At my other side, was my baby.

"Dad?" He looked up and smiled as he saw me. He carefully moved mom and stood beside the bed.

"How are you feeling?" His hand found my cheek and he caressed it. I sighed and blinked.

"A bit tired but I'm happy now." I looked beside me. My baby girl was sound asleep.

"She's beautiful, Noah. Do you want to hold her?" I nodded. He walked over to the hospital's crib and grabbed Lindsey like she was a nice piece of jewerly. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I took my baby girl and held her in my arms. I looked at her, examinating her features. She looked tanned. Her lips were pouty and her hair was a shade of  medium brown. She looked just like him. "She's beautiful, dad."

"I know. She just changed your life, Noah." He kissed my forehead and looked at his first grandaughter.

"She..." I sighed. "She looks just like him."

"She's still your daughter, babe." I nodded and stared at her. I couldn't reject her.

"I know. I'll never forget that." I gave him a weak smile and stared at my daughter. I whispered in her ear. "I love you, Lindsey. Don't forget that."

I kept my daughter in my arms, taking in her features. Dad and mom were happy about her. I wasn't going to let Zayn's name and memories stop me. I kissed her forehead and pulled away to see her open her eyes. She opened her little mouth as I kept my eyes on her. She seemed to be looking at me but I learned that babies can't really see when they're born.

"I'm here, Lindsey. I'm your mommy and I'm ready to take care of you." I kissed her forehead once again when all of the sudden the door opened. Three fifths of One Direction were there. Niall, Harry and Liam. "Hey guys!"

"Hello dear Noah." Niall came over and kissed my forehead. He stared at my baby and smiled. "You've got yourself a pretty girl here."

"Thanks, Niall." I smiled and looked at Harry who was next. "Hello Mr. Styles."

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