Smells Like Teen Spirit

Start from the beginning

"Please tell me you're joining the Spirit Squad this year. I need a co-captain and it has to be you Aud," Caroline pleaded. Audrey raised an eyebrow at her friend before giving her an exaggerated sigh.

"Well, I've put 5 years of my life into cheerleading so far. Why not make it one more," Audrey said looking at Caroline. Caroline squealed excitedly and hugged Audrey tightly.

"Oh my god! This year is totally going to be bitchin. Oh! Don't forget we have the Spirit Squad Back to School Bonfire tonight," Caroline said as they stepped into first hour. When fourth hour kicked in Audrey and Caroline were trying to hang as many flyers for the bonfire as they could. Elena walked over to them and looked at the flyer.

"I forgot about the bonfire," She mumbled. Caroline spun around to face her.

"You have to go! It's our first spirit squad event. And it sets the bar for the whole year," Caroline explained dramatically. Elena chuckled at her friend while shaking her head.

"Relax Caroline, I'll be there," Elena assured.

"Thank you. It's just that-," Caroline began only to get cut off by her boyfriend walking over to them, planting a kiss to her lips.

"Happy first day!" Tyler laughed happily. Audrey frowned in disgust at the hybrid. He was never this cheery.

"Is that blood?" Elena asked pointing to the red stain on Tyler's shirt. Caroline's eyes immediately widened.

"Oh my god!" She shouted before dragging him to the nearest bathroom. Audrey and Elena followed closely behind them. After checking the bathroom to see if it was clear she began to freak out. "Vampire 101, don't wear your breakfast to school!"

"Chill out! It was just a blood bag," Tyler defended. Audrey rolled her eyes and slapped her hand to her forehead. Tyler was an idiot.

"From where?" Caroline asked.

"Rebekah hooked me up," Tyler answered like it was the most casual thing in the world.

"Rebekah? And what are you even talking to her for?" Caroline questioned feeling her chest constrict.

"Klaus told her to keep a watch on me. Protect his new asset," Tyler smirked. At the mention of the original, Audrey's cheeks immediately inflamed.

"His new what? Why are you so amused by this?" Caroline nearly screamed. Everyone knew how she could get but even Elena was agreeing with her over dramatic attitude.

"I'm his first successful hybrid, Caroline. Don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome?" Tyler smiled at his girlfriend. Caroline stared at him in shock. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead in annoyance.

"I cannot believe you just said that!" Caroline growled. Elena looked between the two before grabbing a few paper towels and handing them to Tyler.

"So I'm going to go. Good luck," Elena stated before exiting. Audrey looked at Tyler and smacked him upside the head.

"Are you insane? Klaus nearly killed you and now you're kissing the ground he walks on? Get a grip Tyler!" She shouted trying to back up Caroline.

"He saved me. Now I won't shift during a full moon, I mean do you realize how awesome that is?!" Tyler scoffed. "He saved your life too, ya know. You should be thanking him too," Audrey flared at the mention of what Klaus did. She had been trying so hard to forget about the incident but now that it was brought back up it took over her mind. She shook her head at Tyler before leaving the bathroom. As she walked out she spotted Stefan pushing Ric against a locker. Audrey sprinted over to them and punched Stefan in the face. It didn't hurt him but he let Ric go anyways.

"I'm suppose to be protecting you but you're tempting me to kill you," He spat trying to intimidate her. She rolled her eyes and went to punch him again but he grabbed her arm before she could.

"Oh, go cry me a river you stupid ass. Klaus turned off my emotions, wah. I get you're a soulless shell now, but taking your anger out on us isn't going to make you feel better," Audrey rarely got angry, but when she did it was almost terrifying. If she wasn't so innocent and frail she could maybe scare people. "So protect us from a distance and shove your bad attitude up your ass,"

Stefan smirked at how furious Audrey was getting. "Wow, look who Klaus rubbed off on. Bet you think about him all the time now, huh? You're pathetic Audrey. You think you can be brave for everyone but let's face it. You'll always be a scared little girl,"

"If Klaus rubbed off on anyone it's you!" Audrey shouted. Stefan dropped her hand from his grip and rolled his eyes at her.

"Stefan just stop this," Alaric spat aggressively.

"You're not gonna want to get in my way.Okay Ric? I will see you both in history," Stefan smiled sarcastically. He spun around on his heels and walked to class.

"Fuck you!" Audrey shouted after him. When she looked back at Ric and Elena they were watching her in amusement.

"Easy there killer. You might break something if you keep doing shit like that," Alaric laughed. Audrey blushed and scratched the back of her neck.

"Sorry. I just get a little crazy sometimes," She muttered innocently. Both, Elena and Ric shared a laugh before they walked to class. Later when history class rolled around, Audrey and Caroline each took a seat beside each other. Caroline was on the right of Elena, and Audrey was on the right of Caroline. The trio were mingling quietly when Stefan walked in. He looked at the boy sitting beside Elena and raised an eyebrow.

"You're in my seat," Stefan stated sternly. The boy didn't wait another second before giving his seat up to Stefan. When Stefan sat down he looked at Elena and smiled sickly. "Hey you!" Elena ignored him and continued to stare at the front of the class. When the bell rang Alaric began to teach. He wrote AP AMERICAN HISTORY across the blackboard and turned to the class.

"Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans," Ric explained.

"What about Vikings?" Rebekah's voice asked as she stepped into class. She saw Audrey and took the seat next to her. The blonde smirked at the young Gilbert sister.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" Ric asked confused.

"My name's Rebekah. I'm new and history's my favorite subject," She answered sweetly. Audrey rolled her eyes and slammed her head on her desk.

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