"Karlie, Eva didn't do anything to you, if you need to hate someone, hate me, not her."

    Karlie though, didn't seem to want to hear any of it and continued to pull herself from his tight grip, her anger still directed at me and to he honest, I was a little scared.

     "Frederick, she needs to go, please take her out of here." I said, I was a little frightened by then and wanted her gone from my home. I had never been scared of Karlie until that moment. I had always thought of her as a manipulative bitch of a first degree, but never have I been scared to the point that I thought she would actually cause me harm.

    But now, that very moment, staring into her eyes, I was almost certain that given an opportunity, she wouldn't hesitate to cause me bodily harm. The bitch scared me.

     Frederick nodded, "I'll put her in a cab and be back, Eva." He explained, pulling a still screaming Karlie who was babbling nonsense that I couldn't understand beside 'I'm going to kill you.' And 'you'll pay"  by the time Frederick had dragged her out of the penthouse.

     I took a deep breath and slowly let it out the second the elevator doors closed and she, Karlie, was finally gone and I couldn't hear her screams anymore. "What the fuck was that?" Billie who I knew couldn't have been sleeping while all this shit went down came to stand next to me.

    "Karlie isn't very happy at the moment." I answered, trying to make light of things. Billie laughed and followed me down the stairs, I needed something to drink and maybe eat...Yeah, definitely eat.

       "No shit! This girl was legit out of her mind and was about ready to pounce on you. I swear for a moment there I thought I was going to have to beat up the crazy bitch."

     I shrugged, opening the fridge to find the rest of the home cooked lasagna we had for dinner. "Frederick had it under control but I'm pissed at him for not changing the code. I mean, what type of idiocy was that?" I complained to Billie who had reached into the fridge by then to grab the last of the cheesecake flavored yogurt.

     "Not to be picking sides here but I don't think he actually thought she would just show up, that's some crazy shit that most people wouldn't have thought of doing. I mean, common sense teaches you that. You just don't do shit like that."

     The microwave dinged then, so very carefully, I pulled my plate out and went to the dinning table to fill my belly and make my baby happy. "Well, that'll teach him a lesson I guess." I said a second before Frederick stepped outside of the elevator and walked towards us.

     "That was something, wasn't it?" He smiled as if we had just witnessed two puppies kissing. I stared at him and rolled my eyes. Billie laughed.

    "You're a dick, you know that?" I said with a mouth full and to which I heard him laughing before standing behind me and hugging me tightly. "I hope you've called someone to come and change that code." I added.

    "I'm sorry my love and I will tomorrow morning." He kissed my cheek before taking the fork out of my hand to have a bite at my food. Even though I was mad at him, I knew deep down that I couldn't really stay upset. Frederick just had a way about him and that was one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.


            I was tired because I couldn't find a decent spot or side to sleep on and everything was uncomfortable. And because I couldn't sleep, I was irritated and annoyed at every single thing and was ready for it all to be over and for this baby to get here.

         I was also truly impatient and was certain that most likely, I was getting on my friends nerves. Frederick had to endure the most of my irritation and anger and frustration because he was the one who had knocked me up but my friend's, well I knew for sure that Billie would have strangled me a long time ago if  I wasn't pregnant. But then again, I would have never been acting this way if I wasn't pregnant.

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