The Nightmare Begins

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When they got home, they noticed that Harold and the robot were gone.


Years later, Amara is 13 years old. She is very mature, for her age and had only a few online friends from her online school. She was never really the social one, and her parents were going to fix that.

"Amara, we have enrolled you in public school for middle school and high school," Carolyn said bluntly. Ever since the project was gone, Carolyn got angry that Harold stole the project, or at least she thought that. There wasn't any evidence.

"What WHY?!" Amara asked shocked. She knew that her mother had issues, but THIS?! Seriously?! Amara was beyond angry. Since 4th grade, she was home schooled because of people bullying because she was an outcast at school. 

"Because you need to be more social. Also, dad is coming home for a few months until he has to travel." Her dad was a scientist so he never was home and her mother was always angry at this Harold guy. Amara always wondered if her mother was insane.

Amara sighed at her mother. "Fine mom. I'll go to public school." Amara said putting emphasis on public school. She wanted to make her mother happy. 

"We will be watching a movie with your dad, then we'll be going out for dinner. Is that okay honey?" Be sure to tell your dad that you got a new sword from your sparring teacher as a gift." Amara nodded happily. Amara loved taking sparring classes and managed to get to the highest rank in just two and a half years.

"Okay, mom. Okay." Amara whispered and left to change into a black tank top and jeans.

She came down a few minutes later to see her dad. Amara squealed and hugged her dad. Jack hugged her back happily, happy to see his daughter so grown up. Thank God she wasn't wearing makeup yet.

His cute daughter lets go of the embrace and told him a lot of stories about her sparring, fencing, and fighting. He was happy that his daughter was happy, but was worried that she would be violent.

"Don't worry dad I won't be violent. I am going to get the popcorn ready. Don't worry mom, I'll pick the right movie." Amara chuckled and went downstairs. Carolyn looked at her daughter as she ran off downstairs.

"So honey, have they found that project yet?" Carolyn asked with a curious in her voice. Jack kissed her before telling her some news.

"No, but we do see some unknown activity in the Far East. I hope it isn't anything bad." Jack said sadly. Carolyn embraced her husband.

"You've done enough. Now let's go watch the movie." Carolyn cried excitedly.

"The blood will come. Death will come. The suffering will come."

Jack looked around before walking. Thinking it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"The movie was super cool." Amara cried excitedly at the restaurant. All 3 of them were looking at the menus before making their final decisions.

"I am so happy that we get to hang out together as a family," Carolyn said calmly. Jack and Amara nodded as a result.

"I agree." Amara and Jack said together and laughed.

Saying that Carolyn was happy was just an understatement. She was VERY happy. That her family was happy and they were all able to be together after so long. The family got their food later and started eating enjoyable. Yes, everything was going on like a dream. Except it wouldn't. It would be Hell soon.

"The blood will come. Death will come. The suffering will come."

Amara was in the bathroom as she heard this. She heard people screaming. She heard her cell phone ring. As she took it, she heard even more screaming.

"Amara wherever you are, STAY THERE." Her mother said firmly.

"Mom no! I wanna be there with you and dad!"

"Honey, I'm sorry. If your dad and I go up to the heavens tonight, we want to say something that you should never forget..."

"We love you, Amara. Now stay safe." The communication got cut off and then silence. Amara felt that this silence was threatening and torture. She only heard these words.

"Blood came. Death came. The screams of the humans were amazing to hear."

Then nothing. The young girl looked to see a lot of bodies on the floor. Blood and a lot of bodies. She saw some people were barely breathing and a lot of them were dead.

"Why?" Amara asked as her eyes filled with tears. Brushing them off, she looked to investigate and was terrified of what she saw. Her parents were dead. Amara was sad but was more furious.

"When I find that murderer, they will die by my hand. No matter how or what it takes."

 As she heard police sirens, she escaped through one of the windows of the restaurant. 


Hello and thanks for checking out this story. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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