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Notes: living arrangements

Air gods and nymphs live on clouds and huts on tops of mountains

Nymphs live on Gaia and some on the forest on Olympus

Demons (mythological daemons) shades and monsters and SOME Titans live in the underworld

Demons and shades are people's souls who are servants in the underworld palace when they have not been good enough for Elysium but not bad enough for Tartarus but they don't want to go to the aspohol plains to be reincarnation. Demons are those who have been there for a really  long time. Both have grey skin but a shade is more like a ghost fragment still accepting the reality of death kind of in purgatory. Demons have various types of horns and some have multiple of them in different places.   

Divine form: The physical and mental state of a deity of their "primordial" nature. This is based on the first titans which are the primordial beings that make up nature and their first generation children which are technically the first primordial titans. The first three generations "titans" including the primordial beings are the only ones who are born in this state thus looking like a monster instead of having a human appearance. *Third gen titans shapeshift to have a human form when they realized they killed humans from just looking at them thus began the "tradition" of staying in "human" form permanently and only revealing a divine form to gain immense power. Since they are in permanent human appearance those who conceived children weren't born in a divine state but in the human state (happened straight away to the Olympians, titans born before them shifted to human form few days after birth) thus have to gain this ability and the natural powers. (Usually gained through near death experience, like witch doctors gain control of spirits through a near death experience)  

Note: Divine deities are known to be territorial especially in their environment i.e. ocean , clouds, woods, etc. Most in this state while attack each other even if close relation in human form. These forms are characterized by the deities' scared animal and power.

Example(s): Pan the shepherd god and Dionysus  God of the Vine, Grape Harvest, Winemaking, Wine, Ritual Madness, Religious Ecstasy, and Theatre since both will have a similar appearance in divine form due to associating with satyrs and goats.

Pan would have a satyr-like appearance due to being a god shepherd and so would the nymphs that are shepherds as well but would take on the appearance of a lamb. Note they are not just their animal other circumstances of physical features and parent genetics will affect physical appearance no two are the same. Also, this divine forms doesn't take up their whole body some only affects the limbs others the torso only. 

Dionysus would have the horns of a ram due to the cults of satyrs and myriads, but his sacred animals of cheetahs and panthers so it would have to be an even blend of the types.

So he could have paws that fuse into his normal legs, as well as spots on his bare skin of a cheetah, fangs, claws while still retaining humanoid figure.

Now since almost everyone  is related by blood in some way *cough* incest  that no matter the diversity in physical features and prowess in power that each form in going to have a common feature.

I was thinking of horns honestly. I don't care if you're the god of dolphins you're going to have horns.

Funfact- Demter can inseminate someone by giving them a plant to eat (based on the myth of Hera eating a head of cabbage and becoming pregnent with Hebe) and Persephone can make a baby from a plant and blood (her's someone else etc.) (based on Athena myth of Hephaestus attempting to rape her and some of his semen squirted on her thigh and she flicked it off and it imprenated the ground making Erichthonius.) (as well as a water symphonies by walt disney called water babies where babies are born from tulips and they mess around in the water I guess)

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