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I picked Vik up when he finally fell asleep and moved him carefully into the living room, where I set him against the couch and covered him with a blanket.
When I looked up, Ethan was stood by the door.
'You shouldn't have done it.' I said quietly, looking back down at the sleeping boys face.
'I kno-'
'You took advantage of him, Ethan. You were gonna use him.'
'I know.'
'You don't love him.'
'Never said I did.' I stood up and walked over to him, motioning for him to follow me outside.
'Where's Josh?' I asked.
'Upstairs. Said we should talk, then you should go up there.'
I nodded as he pulled a box out of his pocket.
'You don't mind?'
'Not enough to stop you.'
He lit a cigarette, pushed it between his teeth.
'Can I...?' he frowned, but nodded, handing me one and cupping a hand around it as I placed it between my teeth, lighting the end.
'Just breathe it in. Like, it's just air. Push it down to your feet, and then blow out.'
I nodded, following his instructions. The smoke tasted bitter and harsh, and I coughed as it ran raw down my throat.
'You're doing it. Just try not to cough.' I nodded, air rushing to soothe the wheezing ache in my throat. I took another drag, and it went down a little easier.
'I don't love him.' Ethan said, watching the smoke from his cigarette.
'Why'd you do it?'
'I needed someone too.'
'So, what? You couldn't have just seen a girl you'd never meet again?' I asked, not meeting his eyes, instead focusing on drawing the smoke through my lips.
He took a long, steady drag, pulling in half of the fag.
'I'm not straight.'
He breathed the words out with the smoke, and with the smoke, they evaporated into the air.


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