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'Josh.' I sobbed, pushing through the crowds. The lights still weren't back on, and the darkness surrounded me.
I felt the same flood of anxiety through my bones as I tripped over feet and limbs. I couldn't see Josh anywhere.
I kept stumbling through the lounge, making my way to the drinks table where I last saw him.
My legs were weak, and I staggered against the table, knocking a bottle of vodka and hearing it smash against the floor. The liquid seeped through my jeans onto my legs.
I saw the door to Harry's room and fell through it, falling against the window on the opposite side.
My heart threatened to push out my skin as I pressed my forehead to my knees.
I could hear the music, and the underlying chatter of people enjoying themselves.
Suddenly, the door swung open.
'Simon? Are you there?!'
It was Josh. His voice was high and frenzied.
'Yeah.' I mumbled. He breathed in relief and shut the door behind him, before he sank to the floor next to me.
'I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you. I'm so sorry.' he mumbled as we sat so close together.
'Why am I like this?' I whispered.
He paused, breathed in.
'You were attacked. You aren't going to be right as rain straight away.'
'People are mugged everyday, Josh. No one is like this. Not after three months.'
'Yeah, people are mugged, not stabbed three times in the ribs!' he retorted. I shrank against him as he put an arm around me.
'I know you're nervous.'
I nodded.
The room was lit only by the lights from outside and the string lights around Harry's desk. My heart steadied slightly as my best friend held me tightly.
'Simon, I'm sorry.'
'Do you remember when you told me what life was about? It's not about being perfect, it's about learning to be good.'
'You remember that?'
'Yeah. I was in hospital. I'd just woken up.'
'I'm very wise.'
'Very wise.' I agreed, resting my head against his.

can't hack being up this early:( I have a job interview in an hour, eek

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