Chapter 22 - I Woke Up and Found Myself In Heaven. Joke. It's Olympus.

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~Christine Galliardo's POV~

Who are you...?

I opened my eyes slightly. My body was very weak and numb. I don't have the energy to open them wider. Everything was hazy and threatening to become black. I could see three blurry glowing figures.

What is your purpose...?

I could hear voices, desperate voices. I could feel a faint warmth seeping through my bones, trying to revive this almost lifeless body.

What are you fighting for...?

A hand was gripping my hand tightly, trying to hold me longer to the living.



"Come on...up...sis!"

My consciousness faded away and I drifted away into the pitch black.

Who are you when you wake up...?

My eyes opened. Instead of the hazy vision, I saw pure white. In front of me was a rectangular mirror. Eyes glazed, I stared at my reflection as it stared back at me. Slim and athletic frame honed by sports and camp training. A face people say very beautiful and regal yet intimidating. Long liquorice black hair cascading like waves tied into a ponytail. Shocking electric blue eyes that change hue depending on my mood. Black magical parka over an orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. Faded jeans and black combat boots.

Can you face the change in you...?

As if hypnotized, I placed my palm on the mirror's surface. I could feel power...very strong power...behind the fragile glass wall. I could feel it hitting on the glass, trying to break out and reunite with me. For a brief moment, the reflection changed into three hooded figures. Their eyes glowed, looking through me.

Are you ready to leave the world you've known for a long time...?

The figures dissolved and my reflection returned. Instead of before, a different 'me' was staring back at me. The same slim and athletic frame. Flawless pinkish white skin. A more beautiful and regal face. Long liquorice black hair cascading like waves down on one shoulder with a small braid going around behind with gold hair accessories inlaid with various gems. A golden diadem sat on top of my head. Shocking electric blue bejeweled eyes. White ancient Greek robes lined with gold at the edges with golden armbands connecting to a thin cape behind. I glowed in soft ethereal light and power.

Are you prepared to face yourself when you wake up...?

The reflection changed again, back to the 'me' now. It stared at me and for the moment, the time I spent in the mortal world came rushing back to me.

Are you...truly ready for this?

I pressed my hand on the surface, putting pressure to break the glass. The mirror began to break. Cracks spreading out like spiderwebs. Red blood seeped out of my wounded hand, running down the glass. I pushed and soon, the mirror shattered.

"Yes...I am...but not in the way you think..."

Light engulfed me as everything else was burned into nothingness.

I gasped as I woke up. The world was hazy, swirling in a multitude of colors. I waited until my sight returned to normal. My head throbbed and my throat dry. My heart was hammering in my chest. My body felt burning, like I have a high fever, and sweat trickled down my skin. I was wearing a set of fresh clothes. I tried to sit up but my body was still very weak. Someone caught me as I listed sideways. I looked up and saw a familiar blond hair and blue eyes. Glowing aura like the sun surrounded him.

#2 Daughter of Hera: Legend IncarnateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant