Chapter 19 - Doors of Death: Almost There But I Got Smacked Down

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Hiiiiiiii people of the universe! Or not? I'm really sorry for not updating for months. I won't give you any excuse because it doesn't feel right. I admit I got lazy and had a writer's block. I dunno. I can't find a good inspiration. And yeah, I got addicted to video games. Anyway, here's the next chapter.

Note: I don't own PJO nor HOO. All credits goes to Rick Riordan for these two wonderful series. Credits to the artists of the pictures used in the cover.


~Atè's POV~

I watched as five chariots appeared from different directions and landed down not far from us. Five Olympians went out and studied me and the child of Hades.


I gave a mocking bow. "Most pleased to be in your presence once again, Queen Hera. I hope you still remember the punishment you laid down on me."

Hera narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Why, of course!" I spread my arms. "To help your daughter escape. After all, we have a deal."

"A deal?" She eyed me with suspicion. Her staff glowed dangerously bright. "What are you playing at, you minor goddess?"

"Tsk. Tsk." I wagged one finger. "If you think I have time to play around, then, you're one step closer to your doom, Queen Hera."

"Why you-!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Timeout!" Nico gave out a timeout sign. "We're not here to fight."

"The child of Hades is right." Artemis said. "We're not gathered here to fight. We're here to help Christine out of Tartarus."

I shot Nico with a look that says, Aren't you a bit suicidal?

He simply shrugged which easily means, Yeah. Always.

"You mean Ariacalyssa?" Apollo said.

"Shut it, brother." Artemis hissed. "Not all of us here knows the truth."

"What truth?" I asked. I turned to Hera and narrowed my eyes. "What are plotting this time, Hera?"

The Olympians exchanged long, silent looks. Finally, Artemis spoke up. "There's no longer a point on keeping the truth when things have turned this way." She glanced to Hera. "But now is not the time for that. Helping Christine escape Tartarus and keeping her safe from him are top priorities this time around. If we succeed, then, we, the Olympians ourselves, will explain things to all our allies, including the demigods."

"In other words," Nico crossed his arms. "You know why Tartarus wants Christine badly."

"Yes." Apollo nodded. "Apparently, Christine is the most vital part of this upcoming war. The core, that is."

"If we failed to rescue her," Hermes said. His eyes darkened. "it will be game over for us."

Nico gulped. "But that's-"

Hades raised a hand, interrupting Nico. "My son, we know you have a lot of questions in your mind. But, just like what Artemis said, now is not the time. We must focus on saving your friend. Explanations will come later."

Nico sighed in defeat. "Right..."

"Is Thanatos ready?" I asked.

"Yes." Hades nodded. "Soon, he will open the Doors of Death. Nico, be ready to hold the Doors' button. Is your associate ready at the other side?"

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