Chapter 24 - Oh, Snap! Aphrodite Got Scolded.

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~Trisha Ledger's POV~

The news yesterday really got the whole camp buzzing. Until now, you could hear campers talking about it and coming up incredulous theories about why Chiron told us so little about it. We all know that Nico and Chiron were keeping something to us and the expressions of those in the war council after their meeting got the whole camp more curious. I haven't seen Nico lately and head counselors spoke nothing about their previous meeting, even Clarisse herself. I tried asking Clarisse what transpired in their meeting but she simply passed by me back to her cabin. All of them were like that, quiet and distant. Of course, except for some. You know which people I speak of.

That night, I stayed by Hestia's hearth instead of joining others in the amphitheater. I just don't feel singing nor engaging with any activities with others. I wrapped my arms around my knees and watched the flames flickered. Once or twice, caught glimpses of wolves, courtesy of the Hunters of Artemis, patrolling the woods and Half-Blood Hill. I closed my eyes, barely listening to the loud singing coming from the amphitheater.

"Is something bothering you dear?" A woman's voice spoke beside me.

I half-opened my eyes but I didn't look at the person beside me. "Yeah...I guess." I answered half-heartedly.

"Oh. That seemed pretty heavy. I wonder what that is?"

"I'm sure that it is something that doesn't concern you." I answered.

"Really?" Her voice sounded shocked. "If I'm being honest, I think it's the other way around. Though, such things never concern me before."

"Maybe it's so nice to be ignorant." I said as I picked up a stick and began scribbling nonsense lines on the ground.

"Indeed. You are right. You don't worry. You don't get hurt. You don't fuss over the smallest details. You don't give a care to the world. Truly, ignorance is a bliss."

I chuckled. "I guessed that goes for gods too." I said. "They keep on creating mortal copies of themselves to deal with their enemies while they simply enjoy their immortal lives, not even bothering to check on them. Once those mortals' roles were over, they got thrown away and forgotten." I laughed without humor. "They should put the gods as the description of the word ignorance in the dictionary. Perhaps, add selfish. That would be nice."

"True, but, aren't they're your parents?"

"Don't make me laugh!" The stick snapped with a sickening CRACK! "What kind of parents let their children fend for their own and fight against their own enemies?" I tightened my jaw. "Parents like that should never had existed at all."

The atmosphere got silent. I threw the broken stick to the fire and watched it burn. The flames rose higher, dancing against the darkness.

"Trisha Lyra Ledger." The woman spoke up, carefully pronouncing my name. I flinched when she said my full name. "What a beautiful name! I could still remember the time when Niel insisted me to give you your name."

My heart stopped when she said my father's name. I slowly turned, hoping and praying that it was just a dream. But in the end, my eyes failed me and so does my ears. "'re..."

Her flawless skin shone against the firelight. Her long blonde hair was tied into an elegant chignon with a single opened red rose. A black choker with a silver circular pendant was on her neck. She was wearing a simple pink sleeved dress with a ruffled skirt trimmed with gold reaching down past her knees. Brown laced sandals decorated her feet up to her legs. Her baby blue eyes looked at me. Her smile reflecting mine.

"He gave you your name Trisha. Something fitting for a strong princess of his. I gave you your name Lyra. A name that bears symbol to the beautiful melodies you create. Do you still remember?"

I looked away. It pains me to see her. I reminded myself that that wasn't her true appearance. Her appearance depends on the person's preference. I hate how deceiving she can get. Is this how she got my father's heart? "Does it matter for you to know?" I asked. "After all, you can't face anyone without making them see what they want to see. I don't think it matters to you. Ability or not...the bottom line is that it is deception."

"Dear, I know the hatred you harbored at me and the pain you felt through all these years." Aphrodite said. "It is hard to admit but obvious to see that we immortals are not exactly attentive parents. Yet, we continually look after our children and offer our help the best way we can."

"For how many times?" I asked. "When we did something to be proud of? When you were asking for favors? Do you only look after us if we did something beneficial to you? How many times have you looked at each children you ever had?"

Aphrodite became quiet.

I stood up. "I don't care whatever you say. That doesn't prove any! The gods might have been going through their claiming promise, but that doesn't change anything. Prove to us that at least, you can be parent to us in exchange for the risks we've gambled for your name. Then, perhaps," I met her eyes. "The score could be settled."

I walked away, leaving Aphrodite behind.

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