Chapter 28 - Let's Go and Kick Some Monsters!

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~Christine Galliardo's POV~

Dawn will soon come. I pressed my hand on the window pane, studying my reflection barely imprinted above the scene outside. A lot had changed about me for such a short time. One could easily tell that by just looking at me. I grew taller and my frame became more prominent in features. My braided hair, longer and glossier than before. My eyes shimmered and sparkled like literal gems and just like what my mother said, changes color like a kaleidoscope depending on my mood. Alexios mentioned to me that my eyes changed into a darker shade of blue, almost violet, once during my first conversation with my father the night before yesterday. My skin was healthier and the scars I once have had vanished.

I threw the magical black hooded parka over my white tank top. I wore a new pair of jeans and brown combat boots. I checked on belt around my waist where knives made of Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and silver were strapped. A small magical rectangular pouch the size of a cellphone holder, a gift from Hephaestus by the way, which can store objects of any sizes in an unlimited count, was also attached. I adjusted the belt on my thigh where my new weapon was strapped. It was a metallic rod, six inches in length and one inch and a half in width, with carvings and an omega sign on the middle. For now, it is made of Celestial Bronze, but I can will it to change properties if I want to. It can morph into any weapon of my choice. I remembered what my father said when he gave it to me.

"I couldn't think of any weapon that best describe you, my daughter. After all, life exists in any form. That's why I decided on this. A weapon that can take in any form just like the nature of your power. You and only you can wield this weapon. Take it and bring honor to all of Olympus."

I inhaled and turned to the dragon waiting behind me. "Ready?" I asked.

When did I ever become not ready? He said.

"Well then, let's go!" I pushed the glass doors open and climbed on Alexios.

We flew out and joined the war chariots gathered above Olympus.


~Nico di Angelo's POV~

The ill-fated dawn has finally arrived. As the first rays of the sun shone on the earth, the camp grew quiet and waiting. All have gone to their assigned stations. The Hunters of Artemis arrived just in time together with some Amazons to help. As we waited for the first sign of the enemy forces, I wondered why the gods bothered to warn us but not help us. Sometimes, I think that the gods have all the same screw loose. I tapped the hilt of my sword, listening and waiting. Up above, Jason Grace hovered with the pegasi and eagle riders, keeping guard of the skies. I looked back at the camp. I wondered what Will was thinking this time around. I guessed that he was thinking of smacking me upside down if I got injured or haunting my spirit in the Underworld in case I died. Sometimes, my pessimism was too malignant to ignore.

On the hills surrounding the camp, the demigods have good advantage over the enemy below. I am included to the force at the side of Half-Blood hill. Looming above us was the Athena Parthenos, regal and dignified. Honestly, I was hoping that the statue would move and stomp down monsters into pancakes.

A loud horn echoed throughout camp. The enemy force is here. Above, a huge swarm of flying monsters descended from the clouds. Immediately, the campers above engaged them. At the beach, huge fountains of water burst upward, a simple sign that the battle at that side has begun. Loud blasts from some powerful weapons made by the Hephaestus and Vulcan kids reverberated all over camp. A camper shouted at our side as he spotted a horde of monsters approaching our side. We all shouted our battle cries. As the others charged, I summoned a small army of undead soldiers. I commanded them and charged into battle.


~Trisha Ledger's POV~

I dodged as an empousa slashed at me. I stabbed my sword at its chest and ducked down just as harpy grabbed at me. A silver arrow went sailing overhead and planted itself on the harpy's forehead. A land mine buried by the Ares and Mars kids exploded nearby, charring the unfortunate monsters, while lightning struck nearby, roasting the monsters above the sky and on the ground. An Apollo kid rushed past me toward an injured camper. Three campers surrounded him and kept monsters at bay.

A hand grabbed me as a hellhound was about to shred me to pieces. I lose hold of my sword and stumbled backwards. A figure sliced the hellhound into half. As I catch my breath, the figure approached me and offered his hand. I accepted it. "Thank you, Ren."

He grinned as he helped me up. "No problem."

"Damn. I lost my sword." I said.

"Go back to the camp and get one. You will be a goner without a weapon."

I waved my hand. "No need. I have a spare." I lifted my wrist and willed the bracelet to change form. It morphed into a scythe.

Darren jumped back and stared at the weapon on my hand. "Whoa! That's awesome! Where did you get that?"

"Long story." I said. "I will tell you next time. But first, let's finish this."

"Yeah." He nodded and together, we charged.


~Piper McLean's POV~

The battle was going great. I used my charmspeak to confuse the monsters, giving us all a good advantage. So far so good. It seemed that we have the upper hand. If we continue to keep the tides of battle in our favor, we will sure win this battle. As I faced off with a telekine, a strong earthquake shook the earth. We held on to keep our balance.

Deep within the earth, a wicked voice spoke up. "CHILDREN OF OLYMPUS! YOUR END IS NOW!"

The ground at my far north burst upward and a titanic figure emerged. A camper screamed. "PERIBOIA!"

We scrambled back, away from the female Giant. Another loud explosion sounded at the left side of the camp followed by screams. Explosions came one after another and out came the other Giants. Periboia roared. Her voice was the voice of Tartarus. Her empty eyes bore on us. Black smoke trailed off her skin...the power of Tartarus. I remembered Athens where me and my mother, Aphrodite, battled the princess of the Giants. I encouraged my fellow campers and together, we charged.

From her hand, black smoke gathered and took form. A black whip filled thorns like the stem of a rose appeared. She lashed out. We barely managed to dodge it. A lightning bolt struck Periboia as Jason flew above her. Periboia roared and cracked the whip. She twirled it around and lashed out at Jason. It hit him and he fell down with a loud thud. I shrieked and rushed to his side. I held him close to me. Some of the campers gathered around us.

"Jason? Jason? Hey!" I called out. The thorns didn't get him. Thank the gods! I touched his head and felt a warm fluid. Blood. I touched his cheek. "Hold on, Sparky! The medic is coming! Don't you dare give up on me, alright? Jason-" I stopped as a shadow loomed over us. I looked up and saw Periboia. She stretched the whip and threw it behind. I braced myself for the impact.

A loud whizzing sound like a sonic boom. A very loud explosion. A blue fireball struck Periboia and engulfed her in thousands of Fahrenheit hot massive fire. The Giantess staggered backward. Her face and torso badly burned. Up above, the horde of flying monsters scattered as another blue fireball shot out, charring down monsters into ashes.

A white, almost transparent, figure whizzed above, stopped, and dived down. It landed down in front of us and struck down monsters with its spiked tail. I finally got a better view of it. The figure was a dragon, a whole lot bigger than other dragons, with feathered wings and collar. It was one of the most magnificent beings I've ever seen. It unfurled its collar and wings and roared loudly, making the others monsters back away.

A voice spoke up on the dragon's back. "I hope we're not late to join in the fun."

I looked at the rider. My eyes widened and a gasp escape my lips. Sitting on the dragon's back...was no other than Christine Galliardo.

#2 Daughter of Hera: Legend IncarnateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon