Chapter 12 - Here Comes Death Boy!

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There's map of Tartarus above which I got from wikia. If you're confused of the progress, just look above. It's almost the same with the House of Hades. Almost. Don't forget to vote and comment.


~Hazel Levesque's POV~

I watched Percy and Jason parried in the arena, together with other sparring pairs. Ever since Tartarus' attack in Camp Jupiter, the campers were bent down to training, especially us Romans. Especially Reyna. As a praetor, she must have felt responsible for the wreckage of the camp just like Frank, even though Tartarus' appearance was a surprise. Piper sat down beside me after a mock duel with Annabeth. I handed her a bottle of water. Annabeth walked up to us.

"Another unusually busy day, huh?" I said.

"Yeah." Piper nodded. "With another protogenos as an enemy, guessed we learned a thing or two."

"We can't go to war at the very least unprepared." Annabeth said. "We have seventeen days left before Tartarus destroyed the gods. Eighteen days to figure out how to defeat him and get Christine out of Tartarus."

"Isn't the same as Ouranos and Gaea?" I asked.

Annabeth nodded. "The only way to defeat Tartarus is to take him away from his element and destroy his physical body."

"But after what happened to Gaea, Tartarus would be at least careful not to be in the open." I said.

"It would be a whole lot more complicated this time. Not to mention the possibility that Gaea will support him." Piper agreed.

We all quietly stared at the other sparring campers. Percy has almost overcame Jason who managed to block Percy's incoming attack. Above us, pegasi and giant eagles soared above, carrying some Apollo kids who were practicing archery. Seeing all these make me dread over the possible things Tartarus can do if he succeeds.

"Speaking of Tartarus," I said. "Nico talked to me a while back. He said he thought of a possible way to rescue Christine."

"Really?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Something about having Thanatos open one side of the Doors of Death down in Tartarus."

"Wouldn't that be too risky?" Piper asked. "It's like setting foot at your enemy's doorstep."

"Piper's right." Annabeth said. "We don't want another quest to unchain the Doors of Death. Plus, we already have a faster rate of monsters reformation this time around. We don't need to make it faster than that."

"You're right. But it's only an idea. The only idea we have. If Christine plans to escape through the doors to the Underworld or the mortal world, the chances will be pretty much zero. Tartarus will have them heavily guarded."

Annabeth's look seemed far away. A familiar look. She's thinking...calculating. Typical Athena kid expression. "Does Nico know where Thanatos is?"

I shrugged. "I haven't asked him about that yet."

"If you can, ask him. I'll try suggesting his idea to Chiron."

"So, that means, we should try it?" Piper asked. A glint of understanding in her eyes.

"Well," Annabeth smiled. "That will be better than zero chance, isn't?"


~Trisha Ledger's POV~

I dodged in time as the giant scorpion struck its stinger on the ground. An arrow flew and struck the scorpion's segmented back. I stood back and swiped at the monster's claws. Vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around the monster. A few campers surged forward for the kill. Everyone gathered around as the monster disintegrated into golden dust.

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