With love, Hanbin

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To the most beautiful girl in my life,

Hi baby! Surprise? I know you do. You did not expect to receive a letter after a year when I send you one. It's been a year and that only means, it's been a year since you became mine. And even after a year, I still feel like I am dreaming. Never in a million years, okay maybe some thousand times, fine, million times I dream of calling you mine. And eventually, it did come true. Hah! Indeed miracles do happen. Because you are the most wonderful miracle that happen to me.

It's been a year and still my feelings for you remains. No, it did not remain the same because my feelings for you grow stronger as the day passed. And I could say that my love for you is deeper than the river, lol. And I'm sorry to inform you that this love of mine for you will not fade away anytime so it means you'll be stuck with me for a while and I hope you don't mind that. Because I don't. I intend to keep you for a very very long time.

You know, this past 365 days has been bliss for me. All my previous wishes in my previous letter came true. I've been the reason why you smile. And I was able to hold your hand and hug you. Well, not just hug but cuddles. I was able to kiss those pink luscious lips of yours. Oh my! Just thinking of your alluring lips makes me want to kiss the living daylight out of you. Well, I can do that later ~wink~

You know baby, when you said you like me too a year ago, I was the happiest guy in the world and until now I'm still the happiest because I have you in my life. You're part of my life. And I don't think I can go on a second without you in my life. All the good things happen in my life, they all happened because of you. I know, I don't deserve you because you are too perfect for someone like me, but there isn't a second that you made me feel not enough of your time and love. You made me feel like I am the most worthy person in the world. And I thank you for that.

I thank you for being a part of my life.

Thank you for always being my side when people go against me.

Thank you for sticking with me and putting up with me.

Thank you for always caring.

Thank you for always making me smile.

Thank you for making me happy.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

The list of thank you's go on. But above all, thank you for loving me.

You never know how much my heart shout out your name. You don't know how you make my heart flutters whenever you're around and makes it cry when it misses you. You give meaning to my life and I'll be forever in your debt.

I love you so much, baby. Words are not enough to describe how much I do love you. The words I love you is not enough to justify it. And I also not just intend to say that to you but also to make you feel love. You deserve all the love in the world and I will give my life for you. You are the treasure that I treasured the most. You are my life and everything. I know you told me several times not to make you my life but I can't help it. You are my life. And without you, KIM HANBIN is NOTHING.

I love you so much baby!

Happy 1st anniversary! And counting. We will celebrate our future anniversaries for a very very long time.

Let's continue facing the future together with our hands and hearts intertwined. I love you. Always and forever.

With love,


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