Of tears and laughter

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Hello!! This is your requested Jinhwan's imagine. I kinda made some changes but I still hope you will like it. Hope you enjoy and thanks for participating. Don't hesitate to drop some comment, I'd love to read 'em. Take care ^_^


Krystal is dying from too much nervousness as she waited for her best friend Chii to tell her the result of the thing her best friend is holding. For two weeks Krystal has been feelings sick. Every morning without any reason she will just throw up and what weirded her out is that she does not like the smell of Jinhwan's perfume.

When she tells her best friend about her situation, Chii gasped and she looks like she'd seen a ghost. Chii said that she might be pregnant but Krystal does not want to believe that. She can't be pregnant when she is on her last year in college. And surely her parents will kill her if she is indeed pregnant.

But above all, she is scared of what would Jinhwan reaction be if she really is pregnant. This surely is a huge scandal and it will surely destroy Jinhwan's career as an idol. It was already a problem that they are in a secret relationship because iKON is under dating ban by their CEO.


"What?" Ara anxiously asked her best friend.

"It's..it's...positive. You're pregnant." Chii responded that breaks Krystal's world.

"Oh no...this is not happening..." Krystal fell down on her knees and breaks down.

"Krystal..." Chii is lost for words at her best friend's situation.

"Chii...what should I do?" Krystal desperately seeks an answer from her speechless best friend. "I can't tell my parents' about this. And Jinhwan......what would I tell him? Oh my gosh! I'm....I'm.."

"Ya!" Chii held Krystal's shoulder. "Put yourself together. You can't solve this problem of yours if you keep on crying."

"Chii, you have to help me. Help me please...."

Chii sadly look at her best friend. "I don't know what else to tell you but you have to tell Jinhwan about this. This is yours and his child we are talking here. He needs to get responsibility of this."

"What if Jinhwan hates me? What if he broke up with me if he find out? I can't let that happen." Krystal cried again.

"Babo! Jinhwan loves you so much. He will never hate you. And I am sure he will take responsibility of this child because it is his as well. Stop thinking stupid things like that. Jinhwan loves you and I am sure as hell that he will love this baby." Chii encouraged.

Krystal realized how stupid it is of her to think like that about Jinhwan. Of course Jinhwan will accept the baby and they will face this problem together.

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