Song pt. 3

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"Hey, are you alright?" You heard your best friend ask.

You look up to her with sad face. "I am not." You answered and you went back sulking while your best friend continue caressing your hair.

"Hey guys, did you hear Jinhwan likes Jimin?" You heard one of your classmate talks.

You bite your lower lip after knowing that the song you and Jinhwan are making is for Jimin, one of the pretty girls in your school who never confess to Jinhwan.

"And I also heard that Jinhwan likes her since grade school but never had the courage to tell her!"

"Omo! They'll be cute together!"

"Omo! I'm jealous. Jimin is so pretty."

You tried to hold back the tears that are threatening to fall after hearing those words that sending daggers to your heart.

"Hey, let's get~"

"Morning!" You heard that familiar voice greeted you making you wanted to tear up more, luckily your best friend is there to save you from further embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Jinhwan-ssi, but she is not feeling well." You heard your best friend said.

"What? Why? What happen to her? Is she sick? I-" Jinhwan sounds too worried but before Jinhwan could ask more, your best friend stops him.

"No need to worry. She's just having a migraine. I'm going to bring her to infirmary."

"I'll help you bring her-"

"No it's fine. I can manage. And beside she can still walk. If you don't mind, please excuse us. I have to bring her there now before the class starts."

You just let your best friend bring you away from the class as your tears began to falls freely.

"'s okay. Let it all out."

You tightened your hold to your best friend. "It hurts so much. It hurts...Make it stop please. Make it stop."


You decided to attend your last class for the day. If it isn't so important to be there in that class you'll not be going there and see Jinhwan again. But you have no choice but to see him to finish the entire song for your finals.

"Are you okay now?" Your best friend asks the moment you entered the classroom.

You flashed a force smile before nodding your head. "Yeah, I am fine now."

You walk towards your seat and few seconds later Jinhwan is beside you looking all worried.

"Oh, what's with the face?" You tried to be cheerful hiding the sadness that you feel.

"I was worried. Your best friend forbids me to see you in the infirmary. Are you sure you okay now?"

You chuckles. Your best friend really cares for you. "Yeah I am fine now. Nothing to worry about. Anyway, I wrote another line for the song. I want you to check it out." You said trying to change the topic.

"Cool! I made another one earlier."

Someday someone approached me and spoke to me with such innocent words

One day it was so wonderful

With a nose and lips like mine, that you were my guy

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