Too late

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"BESTFRIEND!!!" Jinhwan burst out as he opens the door of his best friend's bedroom.

"What?! Jizu! Jinhwan, do you really have to yell like that?" She snaps at her best friend, completely pissed by the sudden disturbance that she least needed.

"Oh my! Someone needs a chill pill~" Jinhwan sing song as he make his way to her who is busy scanning the books that are messily scattered in her bed.

"And someone needs to be sensitive of his surroundings!" She glares at Jinhwan before returning her attention to the book. She needed to finish all her piled up homework or else she'll surely fail the semester.

Jinhwan ignores her mean behavior and just wrap his arms around his best friend's waist. She is just too adorable when she's stressed out.

She tried to pry Jinhwan away from her but after several attempts she gives up. Jinhwan can be too stubbornly clingy if he wants to.

"Why are you here, anyway?" She asked without tearing her eyes in the book that she's reading. "Aren't you supposed to be with Nayeon?"

"I was with her the whole day."

"Of course you do." She snorts.

"Anyway, I'm here because Nayeon is throwing a party in their apartment and she told me to invite you. Isn't my girlfriend so nice?"

She groaned before picking up her notes. "You know, I don't like parties. I hate them."

Jinhwan pulls away from her only to look at her face. "But I am going. I need you there."

She rolls her eyes and slightly pushed Jinhwan. "You don't need me there. Your girlfriend is there."

"But it won't be the same without you." Jinhwan said desperately, face turning into kicked puppy looks that she swears to be illegal.

"I'm not going, okay." She sternly said but Jinhwan being Jinhwan won't stop until she give in.

"Please, you've got to be there. I'll help you with French." Jinhwan used the French card that he's sure will make her agree.

She gaped at Jinhwan. "You did not just use that French card on me."

Jinhwan smirks victoriously. He knows too well that she couldn't say no to that offer. "What do you say, baby?"

She groaned defeated and punched Jinhwan on the shoulder. "Jerk!"

"I am your jerk, anyway. Love you baby!" And Jinhwan planted a smooch on her cheek before dashing out of her bedroom.








She was getting restless. She regrets ever agreeing to Jinhwan. Well, she was left without a choice when that good-for-nothing best friend of her used the French card. Jinhwan knows too well how she despise French and that jerk just used it against her to agree.

I will surely kill that short dude.

She despise attending parties, it's just not her thing. She doesn't like interacting with drunken people and bunch of horny hormonal teenagers on her age. She rather locks herself into her room and listen to Troye Sivan's Blue Neighborhood Trilogy all day than attending this non-educational party.

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