I like you

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Finally it's lunch break. You are looking forward for this not because you are hungry or something. You are looking forward for this because you wanted some peace and you badly wanted to sleep. You pushed your chair and start to walk when suddenly the person you hated the most and at the same time love speaks.

"Hey peasant, where are you going?"

You just roll your eyes and chose to ignore him and walk out of the class.

"Koo Junhoe is a sassy idiot." You murmured as you make your way to through the busy hallway.

Koo Junhhoe is the person you hated the most but at the same time you love him. He is very sassy and very annoying but that also what makes you fall for him. He's been your classmate since middle school and now that you are in high school he became your seatmate since freshman year. Though you love Junhoe sometimes you wish that he'll leave you alone. He keeps on picking on you and that makes you hate him.

You open the door of the rooftop and you hurriedly made your way towards the railings. You stretched out your hands in the air as you inhale the fresh air.

"Finally, a peaceful place. No annoying Junhoe around." You smile to yourself and walk towards the bench. You pull out your phone and earphones.

"I could sleep peacefully." You folded your arms at the top of the table and place your head on it, using your arms as your pillow. You close your eyes and starts drifting to dreamland.

But it hasn't been long since you drifted to dreamland when you've been rudely disturbed.

"Wake up, you peasant!!!"

You groaned and rubbed your face with your palms, super annoyed. "What in the world is your problem, Koo Junhoe?! Can't you see I am sleeping? Why are you so inconsiderate?"

Junhoe just lean his back on the bench across yours and answer casually as if what he done to you is a very natural thing. "Because I am going to have my lunch."

You glared at him before kicking his shin under the table.

"Ouch! What the..." He whines rubbing his injured shin.

"Then freaking eat your lunch!! Why do you have to disturb me, rudely?!"

"Will you stop shouting? I might turn deaf." He pushed the food and drinks in front of you.

You raised your eye brow and look at him questionably.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't want you to die in hunger so be thankful that I took the initiative to buy you lunch." He said opening his own bento.

"I don't want to." You stubbornly said and folded your arms to match your stubborn answer.

Junhoe sigh and put down his chopstick. "Stop being stubborn and eat. You're too skinny." He said after opening your bento that he bought.

"Ya! I am not skinny, babo!" You argued.

"Yeah. Yeah. Open your mouth."

"I can~" Your words were cut off when Junhoe shoved a piece of kimbap in your mouth.

"There you go. Finish it up. I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?" You asked while chewing your food.

"Aish! Didn't your mother teach you not to talk when your mouth is full?" Junhoe looked annoyed.

You swallowed your food before talking again. "Well, you started it. Tell me, what is it that you want to tell me."

"Finish your food first."

"Come on Junhoe, tell me now or else I am not going to listen anymore." You threatened before taking a bite of your food.

Junhoe sigh heavily. "You really are stubborn, aren't you?"

"Born as one. Now tell me. I am listening."

"Fine. I like you."

You nod you head. Though you like him you did not dare assume things. This is Koo Junhoe we are talking about, he is the most unpredictable guy you've ever meet. You'll only end up hurt if you put your hopes up.

"I like you too. Didn't know you can be nice too." You answered before shoving another kimbap in your mouth.

"Stupid, I like you."

"I know!"

"Aish! Stop talking when your mouth is full!" Junhoe is totally annoyed at you but you just shrugged and continue eating.

Suddenly Junhoe took your free hand and intertwined it with his.

"This is the kind of like I am talking about."

Finally grasping what's going on, you choked yourself. Junhoe hurriedly stand up and give you water. You immediately drink the water as he pats your back gently while shaking his head.

"What did you say?" You asked after you already calm yourself.

"I said I like you." He said looking at you, this time with too seriousness.

Your heart is pounding so hard and fast against your ribcage. You wanted to tell him what you feel but you wanted to tease him a bit.

You folded your arms across your chest and arc your eyebrow. "Who gave you the permission to like me?"

He copied your gesture and cockily answered you. "No one. I do what I want. And I am not giving you any permission to reject me. I know you like me too."

"Oh really? How sure are you that I like you too?"

Junhoe smirk at you and he lean on the table. "1 000% sure. And I know that you will love what I am about to do."

And without a warning Junhoe lean in and captured your lips with his. You were taken aback by his action but after a few seconds you close your eyes and responded to the kiss.

"I love you." Junhoe said after breaking the kiss.

You smile widely as you wrapped your arms around Junhoe's neck. "I love you too, stupid Koo."

Junhoe smiles before leaning in for another kiss.

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