Cute Moments pt 3

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Kakashi and [y/n]  cute Moment~~~ (Well...more of a mysterious moment)

Kakashi sat on a nearby tree, reading his Icha Icha book, per usual. When he noticed the actual sound of chakra flowing. He furrowed his brows and stood up, dusted himself off, closed his book and began to walk  in the direction of the sound. He saw [y/n] training in the center of the forest she was using taijutsu against some sparring dummies. There were 8 in a horizontal row facing him and 7 of them were obliterated to pieces. It only took a few seconds for [y/n] to break the last one with on hit of her left hand. The dummy crumbled like paper on her touch, and Kakashi could almost feel the amount of force she was throwing behind her hits. [y/n]turned to look at him she had her headband away from her eyes so her [e/c] eyes could lock with his. Kakashi was always a bit tense when she took off her headband it allowed....well it allowed a certain tailed beast to appear. But of course, Kakashi had no info of this he just knew to be wary when her eyes were open. They stared in silence towards each other, Kakashi looking into her eyes to see a glimpse of what she might have been thinking.

"Well, I'm glad to see you're training. " Kakashi started. [y/n]'s eyes never left his when he spoke.

"I need to." Was all she replied. Kakashi nodded his head and leant to sit down, [y/n]'s body tensed when he did this. Kakashi slowed his actions and sat not understanding what had gotten into his student.

"Mind if I watch?" He asked. [y/n] looked up at the sky, and then her eyes returned to his form on the ground sitting crisscrossed. She shrugged as a reply before building more dummies from the earth using no hand signs much to Kakashi's surprise. She began to train once more.

It was dark when [y/n] finally stopped training. Kakashi was still there reading his book but keeping an eye on her.

"Alright, I'm done for the night." [y/n] stated as she began to walk off.

"Alright. Nice work, you're really improving." Kakashi complemented with pride. [y/n] locked her eyes with his only this time, his whole body froze when he saw her eyes.

"Glad you think so, sensei..." She smirked before dashing off. Kakashi's eyes were wavering as he remembered what her eyes just looked like. He furrowed his brows and looked down.

'That's...not possible.'  He thought with fear...


Kakashi looked down as he gathered at the funeral of his Hokage and his beloved favourite student. He looked at the student that were putting flowers beside her picture. It was almost Kakashi's turn...

Kakashi couldn't stop thinking about that night in the training grounds when he saw her eyes. He tried to brush it off as his mind playing tricks but Kakashi knew better than to be that naive. All night after the training he spent hours repeating the memory over and over in his mind and trying to piece together how it could have happened. But he couldn't come to a conclusion and it made him frustrated the rest of the night. But what got Kakashi more frustrated was what he saw beyond those [e/c] eyes. He could have sworn he saw....something lying in those orbs. Like something was living there... And as crazy as it sounded it scared the brave shinobi. It was his turn to put the flower on her grave and he did so with sorrow. He went back into the line and Kiba shuffled beside him.

"[y/n]'s teeth were always so nice and straight." Kiba muttered sadly. He pointed to his chompers. "Like a wolf's...." Kiba chuckled.

Kakashi tensed. Those three words repeated in his mind, until all fit...The eyes....the animal form she took on during the test, the way she always seemed to be at war with herself, it all fit. And Kakashi mentally slapped himself for not seeing it sooner.

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