Sora's Struggle

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Sora and the old man were by a fire, eating potatoes. Sora looked at the ground. He looked at his potato, scowled, but took a bite none the less.

He grinned.

"It is good!" He said.

"I know right!" The old man, said. The wind blew...

Sora was about to take another bite, but stopped. He glared at the old man. 

"I smell something." Sora said. 

"Eh?" The old man replied." Well. We are eating potatoes." He smiled, then laughed.

"The wind carries the scent...The scent of dirt from Kitane-sama's coffin." Sora said, seriously. He growled." You lying snake!" Sora yelled. He took out his blades and aimed them at the old man. The old man dodged it swiftly, Sora gasped at the speed. The old man aimed his staff at Sora. he dodged it. The staff landed on a boulder, since it was made of chains, the old man pulled back, and that carried the boulder at Sora. Sora ducked under it, the boulder was going for the old man now, the old man held out his hand and broke it.

"Damn you..." Sora growled. Sora readied his blades.

"You should have just shut up and eaten!" The old man yelled.

"The same goes for you! Now return the 4 corpses!" Sora yelled back." If you don't....You're gonna get punished!" The old man laughed again. 

Tsuyo watched in amusement as Sora's and the old man's fight took place. 

"Hmm..How will you deal with this?...Sora." Tsuyo mumbled.

"I've been getting punished since the day I was born." The old man said." But oddly enough, I haven't died yet. Do whatever you want." The old man shrugged." Although this really isn't the time to be punishing others." He said. Sora smirked evilly.

"No. I'll take you up on that." He said, and readied his blades once more." I'm gonna kick your ass!" He said and dashed at the old man, the old man smirked and prepared to block, the two clashed and slashed at each other, dodging and swinging. The old man kicked Sora away, and ate his potatoes. Sora was insulted.

"You son of a bitch!" He screamed and dashed again. The old man dodged once more.

"What's the matter?" He asked. He kept dodging and eating.

Sora was panting. The old man wasn't breaking a sweat though.

'Who is?...' Sora thought. 'This guy!...'

Naruto was lying on the ground, bruised and electrocuted. Fuuka was watching him, she had no memory of what happened with Tsuyo, just fear of the man. She disappeared and reappeared in front of him. She kicked him.

"Oh? He's already finished?" She mused." Perhaps, I over did it. But..." She smiled. She leaned down and grabbed his face." Its fine to just wipe away the ashes." She whispered. She leaned down and was going to kiss, him but with a poof Naruto disappeared. Fuuka gasped. 

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