Setting a plan into motion

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I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated. I had a HUGE project at school, and I had to push everything aside. 


It has ended!! Thats means!! *Drum roll*  More time for updates!!!!!

Now, without further a do.

3rd person P.O.V

"Who are you!?" Sora asked. 

"Hurry and come over here, Sora." The old man replied, ignoring Sora's question.

"Tell me who you are! And how do you know my name?" He asked. 

"Just get over here!" The old man said.

Sora made a 'tch' sound and glared at the old man.

"What are you plotting?" He asked. " Hey what are you-" Sora was caught off, by a scent.

"What is that smell?..." He muttered. Sora sniffed the air, he heard the man laugh

"You can have one too!" He heard the man. The old man through a potato at him.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Sora repeated as he tossed the hot potato in his hands. The old man laughed again. Sora looked at the potato then back at the man, who was now standing up. The old man laughed again.

"I was tired of waiting. I was so bored I started roasting potatoes!" He said. He grinned and ate a piece.

"Its pretty good." He said." Sora, come here and have one with me." He continued.

"You said that you were waiting for me right?" Sora asked.

"You're hungry aint'cha?" The old man asked.


[y/n] looked around, the wind changed, she narrowed her eyes.

She sniffed the air.

"Tsukiyo...." She muttered. She closed her eyes." Come here." She said. Yamato was in front of her by a lot by her made sure to glance at her a few times.

Currently he was in front of her, trying to navigate his way out.

"Hey." Tsukiyo greeted. [y/n] nodded.

"What do you need?" Tsukiyo asked. [y/n] smirked.

"We're setting our plan into motion." She declared. Tsukiyo smirked.

"I see..." He mumbled. "A plan to get your freedom."


I masked figure watched as [y/n] navigated through the cliffs effortlessly.

He also watched as Tsuyo was already at the top, looking down on Sai and Sakura. He laughed.

"What an interesting jinchuriki..." He muttered." Definitely will be a good ally to Lord Madara, but a dangerous enemy..." He said. He opened his eye, to reveal a sharingan.

"I would like to see more of your potential, [y/n]. Especially since you are not an Uchiha." He turned around and started to walk back into the forest. Unaware that Tsuyo heard the entire thing. He clicked his tongue.

"2 plans being set into motion at the same time. This could be bad, though I would like to see what his true potential is as well.....Heh...A battle with Kakashi's teammate." Tsuyo muttered.


Endure(Sequel to Pain(Now a reader x various)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora