Naruto and Tsuyo

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3rd person P.O.V
Chiriku was sliding down the earth wall. He landed on the ground with a thud, on his feet.
"I can't believe they are this strong." He mumbled.
"You and me both, pal." A voice said. Chirku swirled his head, to see a man. He had white hair, yellow eyes and no shirt on.
"Who are you?" He asked. Tsukiyo shrugged.
"No one important." He said. Chiriku glared at Tsukiyo.
'Is he part of them?' He thought. He then looked at the pillars above them.'Are they more than we can handle?' He thought.
Fudo charged at Yamato aiming another punch, there was a split second where he hardened his arm with what looked like crystal. Once again Yamato dodged it and threw some shuriken. Fudo didn't do anything, the shuriken bounced off of him. Leaving no damage. There was a paper bomb connected to one and Yamato activated it. They exploded.
"Did it work?" Yamato said. Fudo was still standing in the place he was before and laughed at Yamato.
"Nope!" Fudo said. Yamato gasped a bit. Yamato made a hand sign.
"Damn you!" He said as wood pillars popped off the ground, and wrapped Fudo up. Fudo broke through them once more.
"Pointless."He said. He aimed another punch at Yamato, Yamato dodged. This went on for a while.
"Jumpy little pest." Fudo growled. He made a hand sign.
"Doton, Ganban Kyuu!" He shouted. Earth came out of the ground and wrapped around Yamato. Like two sides of a rock they came together, crushing him. Or so Fudo thought.
"Yamato!" [y/n] said. She jumped down and glared ta Fudo. She felt Yamato's chakra still there and breathed a sigh of relief.'Thank god.....Damn! I'm going soft...' She thought. Though [y/n] slightly happy with that. It reminded her she wasn't all cold and killing. She still had a human trait inside of her. Fudo laughed.
"I guess I could at least mark this as your grave." He said. He hand was fused with chakra and he held it up to the rock. He made the Konoha symbol in the rock. [y/n] grabbed the kunai in her hand and threw it at him. It grazed his cheek and made a cut, that bled. He looked at her shocked, that he didn't notice the kunai coming. Or hear it for that matter. Fudo then glared at her, but disappeared. [y/n] growled. She went up to the rock and saw Yamto coming out. She looked at him.
"Are you alright?" She asked. she didn't give him a chance to respond as she held up his hand."You're not hurt are you?" She asked again. She inspected him for wounds. Yamato stopped her.
'I'm fine. Just scratches." He said. [y/n] shrugged her shoulders.
"If you say so." She said. Yamato patted her head, earning a glare in the process.'What are they trying to do?' He thought.'After they stole the corpses they deliberately ran out into the open.'  Yamato thought. It clicked.
"They're after someone from one of our group members from Konoha. If that true is Danzou behind this?" Yamato said. 
Sakura and Sora looked at the cliffs above them. Sakura sighed.
"Looks like we are completely trapped in the enemy's jutsu." She said." We need to rejoin the others. I'm sure they've taken shelter somwhere nearby-" Sakura was cut off b Sora jumping away.
"Go look for your goon partner by yourself." Sora said.
"Wait a minute!" Sakura said. Sora kept jumping.
"It won't make a difference if we're together or not." He said.
"Jeez...Now we are all split up." Sakura sighed."I'm not surprised its not like he's had teamwork training or anything." She said and headed off to a different direction.
"Actually.....Did Naruto fail his teamwork classes too!?"
Naruto was glaring daggers at the woman in front of him. He was looking at her upside down, since Tsuyo and him were on the ceiling.
"Who's there?" Naruto asked. The woman stepped closer.
"Yuck. Manual labor. I was hoping the traps would work so I wouldn't have to dirty my hands." She said. Tsuyo gave a low growl.
"But I guess it can't be avoided." She said."Lets make this quick!" She said. Naruto huffed.
"Oh I'll make this quick!" He said." Here I come!" He said. He charged, Fuka disappeared and reappeared in front of Naruto, she licked his cheek. He back away holding his cheek.
"What the hell are you doing?" He screamed. Tsuyo sweat dropped.'Disgusting...' He thought.
"Mhmmm....The taste of the chakra leaking from your circulatory system...You have wind element nature, that's pretty rare." She said.
"What about it!?" Naruto said.
"Why don't you join my collection." Fuka said.
"Eh?" Naruto asked. Fuka fixed her hair.
"French or soft? Which do you prefer?" She asked. Tsuyo's eyes widened.'Ew!' He thought. He shivered visibly.
"Are you talking about food?" Naruto said.
"Idiot." Tsuyo mumbled.
"Oh lord...Kissing." Fuka replied.
"So you mean...." Naruto said. He blushed and got a nosebleed. 
"Y-you wanna make out?" He asked. Fuka laughed.
"Yes. You're such a naive boy." She said. Fuka looked at Tsuyo.
"And what about you?" She asked. She disappeared, but Tsuyo didn't fall for her trick and but his sleeve up so she would lick that instead of him. She was shocked , then smirked.
"You are different. You are a man." Fuka said. Tsuyo groaned in disgust.
"How would you like yours? French or soft?" Fuka asked.
"I'd rather die." Tsuyo deadpanned. Fuka smirked.
"Have you two not had you first kisses yet?" She asked. Naruto blushed.
"Don't take me so lightly, Even I have kissing experience!" Naruto said. Tsuyo shivered. He remembered that day well.'Now that I come to think of it...I was walking towards Naruto when that happened, I was bumped into Sasuke, was about to kiss him, panicked and shoved Naruto in the way....Jeez...Now I feel bad.' He thought. He remembered almost kissing Sasuke. That made blood rush to her cheeks.
'Man! Am I blushing!?' He thought. He held a hand up to his face, and felt the heat.'Ah! I AM blushing!!!!!' He thought. A million thoughts ran through his mind. How could he be blushing? Why all of a sudden? Did he like Sasuke? No not possible. Poor Tsuyo's mind ached with all the thoughts zooming in, and not enough brain power to process them. In the end he knew his feeling for the Uchiha.

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