Oh Sai.

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[y/n]'s P.O.V
We were walking through a forest when the breeze blew by. I sighed, knowing exactly what Naruto was going to do. And just as I had suspected he crouched down and concentrated, on splitting the leaf in his hands. Sai noticed this and looked at him with me, though he was closer to me more than comfort. Sakura also noticed.
"Quit fooling around, Naruto." She scolded. In this mission I was here twice. Me and Tsuyo and since we're the same person.....
Naruto didn't budge.
"We'll leave you behind!" She said. He still didn't move. He started to shake with concentration. And he successfully split the leaf in two. He grinned at me, I smiled at him. I noticed Sai starring ahead.'Hmm....Must be thinking about last night.' I thought.
"Captain Yamato sure is taking a long time." Naruto said. I leaned against a tree sucking on my lollipop. I glanced at my team.
"I know. How far could he have gone?" Replied Sakura. We heard rustling and a figure walk up to us, I smirked knowing what was going to happen.
"Ah Captain Yamato..." Naruto said. Yamato got closer to the fire, revealing some of his face. Just then a flashlight shined on his face giving him a scary look, which freaked Naruto out. Naruto flinched back. Yamato laughed at him and I gave a small grin.
"Captain Yamato, don't scare me like that!" Naruto said.
"Sorry,Sorry. I couldn't resist." Yamato said.
"Trust me. You're scary enough without any pranks." Naruto mumbled. Yamato laughed.
"Well. You are an easy target Naruto." Yamato replied. I closed my eyes and listened in on their conversation. Sakura sighed.
"So getting back on the topic at hand, Why would they defile a grave?" Sakura asked." That's so cruel." 
Yamato turned towards her." Hmm....Usually grave robbers target the tombs of rich people hoping to steal the treasure inside." Yamato said. That caught my attention. I looked at Yamato.
"But in this case, the body and the treasures were left intact. These incidents have been occurring frequently withing a 50-60 meter radius of the Fire Temple, where we're headed now." Yamato said.
"Fire Temple?" Naruto asked. I slightly glared at Naruto since he told me the wrong information about the mission. Yamato nodded.
"They're the ones who requested this mission. and since they specifically requested Konoha's help dealing with these tomb raids, I have a feeling there is more to this than meets the eye." He raised his hands.  He lowered them then continued." There are actually four hidden tombs in this area." He said.
"And the raiders are after them?" Sai asked.
"Yes. That's a  strong possibility." Yamato replied.
"Wait a second! What do you mean by hidden Tomb?" Sakura asked. I mentally face-palmed. I was very fond of Sakura but sometimes she does not use her head.
"Even in death, A ninja's body contains all sorts of information. In some cases that information can be worth a fortune. Take your fight with Sasori for example." He said. My ears shot up in alert at that name.

'The little brat fought Sasori and beat him. Along with a woman named Lady Chiyo." Azreal growled. 
'Hmm....Looks like Sakura is stronger than she looks.'
'Hmm...I guess. But, you are even stronger. Do you remember when you faced one of the members? What was his name....Ah! yes. Kisame.' Azreal said.' That bloody sword of his, tried to drain your chakra. But one taste, and it spit it out. Hahahahah. I still can't believe you tainted your own Chakra." He laughed.
'I had too. He was going to kill me If I hadn't.'
'Yes....You're chakra is very pure indeed. [y/n]' Cosmos chimed in.
I listened to the two talk, when they finished. My team's conversation was over. But I knew what had happened anyway.
I watched Naruto hopelessly.
Night came and we all sat down at the rendezvous point. Naruto sat beside Sakura, I chuckled in amusement as she pushed him away from her.
"What's so funny?" She glared at me. I smirked.
"I find extremely entertaining that you treat Naruto like dirt on the floor." I said. She scoffed.
"What do you know?!" She screamed.
"I know more than you think. Sakura." I said. 
"Calm down, Kiirome." Tsuyo said. I glanced at him and nodded. Sakura smirked.
"Thank you Tsuyo."
"Whatever." He replied. Sakura made googly eyes at him and it made us both want to vomit.' I can't believe I have to be in this disguise!' The other me said.
'Just hang in there.' I replied. Sai kept glancing at Naruto. I knew what he was thinking.' Idiot.' I thought. I looked at the sky.
We split up to find the group of the Fire Temple.
Naruto and I had a disturbed face, while Sai gave us that creepy smile of his. I shuddered. Sai pulled out his book and read something.' Oh no...' I thought. He walked up to us and sat Beside Naruto. Naruto looked at him skeptically. Sai leaned his arm on Naruto's shoulder and brought him in. I watched the two, with twitching eyes. I could tell Naruto was ticked off. Sai leaned closer to Naruto and.....
Sai was on the ground. Naruto yelling at him that he doesn't swing that way and what not. I rubbed my eyes trying to forget what I just saw. Naruto mumbled something and grabbed my hand he dragged me.
"Where are we going?" I asked. Naruto glanced at me.
"To find Sakura-chan and Yamato." He replied. I sighed again.'Oh Sai.....' I thought.

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