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[y/n]'s P.OV
I walked back, and noticed I was being followed by Anbu. I clicked my tongue.
'Tsunade...' I thought. I entered their minds with ease, and saw the memories of being arrested in 3 days. I sighed. I decided to send my shadows after them
The whispered things into my ears, about a prison meant for the most dangerous criminals. I nodded my head.
"Get information about that for me.." I whispered to one, and it took off in the speed of light. I looked at the sky.
'Well, since Azreal mysteriously disappeared I don't have much to do-' I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice laughed. My eyebrows twitched in annoyance.
'That womanizer!' I angrily thought. I stomped over the to bar, where he was, and grabbed Tsukiyo by the collar of his shirt and dragged him back.
"H-hey!" He yelled.
"You're a pig." I replied, dully. He smirked.
"But you love me anyway." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

3 person P.O.V
The Anbu watched in amusement as [y/n] dragged a boy they thought, was her lover. They chuckled at each other.
"You know what? I don't think they're lovers..." One said. The other nodded.
"Looks like just comrades." An Anbu chuckled.
"Care to place a bet?"

"Sorry, Kiba. I can explain this.." Naruto apologized to the boy. Naruto out his hands up in defense." He's kind of In our team..and..."
"Naruto! He's with you!?" Kiba said.
"Knock it off! I'm not friends with this guy or anything!" Sora yelled.
"Just keep quiet Sora!" Naruto yelled back.
"Fighting's no good, guys." A voice said behind them, the trio turned and saw Shikamaru and Choji walked to them." Don't be so testy, and lets get along." Choji said, while eating some chips.
"Shut up fatty!" Sora said. Choji dropped his chips in shock ,and everyone had a horrified expression.

Tsukiyo smirked. [y/n] looked at him.
"What is it?" [y/n] asked.
"Looks like you're new teammate made a big enemy out of that Akimichi boy." Tsukiyo replied.
"H-He didn't!?....." [y/n] asked. horrified. Tsukiyo smirked again.
"Afraid so..."

"D-Did you just say....Fatty?" Choji said dangerously. Sora smirked.
"Yeah. What of it?" He tested.
'This is not g-good.." Shikamaru said, nervously.
"Uh oh..." Naruto muttered.
"Alright! Let's have battle royal!" Sora said. Kiba smirked.
"Are you an idiot!? You're the only opposition here!" He said, as he ran full speed at Sora. "Let's go Choji!"
Sora jumped up onto a pole.
"Heh, what can you do with a fatty like that?" He asked. Choji suddenly appeared behind him.
"You said "Fatty" Again, eh?"Choji said.
"I'M NOT FAT I'M THE CHUBBY TYPE!!!!!!" Choji screamed at he shook Sora furiously.

"Should be stop them?" Tsukyio asked.
"I suppose we should.."

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