Is it Over?

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"Are you driving or am I driving?" Splice asked frantically as he held up his keys.

"My car is broken in Aedan's driveway, so I guess it's you driving!" Eva chuckled as Splice unlocked his car. They both got into a grey Dodge Journey and Eva immediately started sweating. "Couldn't you have parked your car in the shade at least? I heard it is the hottest day of the year today!" Splice looked at Eva, then back at the road.

"But it's only 34 degrees celsius out," He joked. Eva snickered. "Are you sure that Aedan's in danger? You seem to be quite chipper for a person who thinks something terrible has happened,"

"I just get goofier when I'm worried," Eva stated.

"Well, if you really do think the worst thing possible happened, remember that there is three more where he came from," 

"What do you mean? Are you saying-"

"Yep, Aedan, Kaedan, Hayden, and Jayden," Splice interrupted.

"So if you're saying that you are quadruplets, how does 'Splice' fit in?" Eva curiously asked.

"You do realise my name isn't 'Splice', right?" He internally facepalmed, "My name is Hayden"

"Oh my god, I feel so stupid!" Eva laughed. Splice took one hand off the steering wheel and patted her black jeans, just past the knee. Eva quickly moved her leg away and crossed it over her right one.

"Wow, you're such a tease," Splice taunted. Eva put her hands together. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

 "You need to chillax, it's the same as a pat on the back. It's not like in trying to hold your hand or anything," Eva let out a nervous giggle.

"You are with Potato, aren't you?" Eva asked.

"Yeah, but when you're always wearing those skin tight jeans and crop tops that don't even go past your belly button, it's kind of hard not to stare," Splice said as he parked in Aedan's driveway. He avoided eye contact with her until she responded.

"You are such a creep! " Eva yelled, Crossing her arms to cover her stomach. Splice sighed and opened the door to the car, and after Splice exited the car, she looked down at herself, tried grabbing her jeans, and shrugged. She left the car when she noticed Splice had already made his way to the door.

"What took you so long? You're checking yourself out now?" Splice winked. Eva rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you get that I'm not into you?" 

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because every time I turn around out of the corner of my eye I can see you staring at me," Splice reasoned, standing taller than Eva.

"Don't mess up staring and glaring. I have a lot of trust issues."

Splice lets out a sarcastic chuckle, "Okay then," Eva started kicking and banging the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"It's locked," Eva said, giving up. Splice turned the door nob.

"Not it's not," He said as he twisted the door nob and pushed opened the door. "Maybe next time don't automatically resort to forced entry" Eva gave him a stupid smirk and walked into the house, passing him. They both started laughing and taking their shoes off and headed towards the living room. Splice was a bit ahead of Eva, so he saw first. He quickly covered Eva's eyes before she could see Aedan.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Eva yelled, trying to push his arm out of her view.

"You were best friends with Aedan, right?"

"I guess so,"

"Then you are going to want to go upstairs and find Cry Baby,"


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