2.6K Word Special (Happy bday Aedan)

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Melanie (Cry Baby's) POV

I woke up in a bright hospital room. Great, I wonder what I did this time. Evelyn and Aedan walked in the room and looked at me. I rested my head on a pillow and let out a sigh.

"Potato and Splice are not dead." Aedan said. "You are lucky. They were going to throw you in the asylum. Evelyn talked them out of it," I didn't look at them. I didn't say a word.

"Melanie?" Evelyn exclaimed. I ignored her, once again. I knew who Evelyn was, she was nice to me in my past. I'm not the same person any more though.

"Okay Mel, we are leaving now, we will be back at 7:00pm," Aedan mumbled slowly. They both walked out of the room, and I turned around to look at the clock. I squinted my eyes and read '1:47pm' on the clock. I adjusted myself on the uncomfortable hospital pillow, and closed my eyes. A tear strolled down my cheek. I wanted my teddy bear, and I wanted to be out of the hospital. I rolled over on my side and fell asleep. I don't know why I was so tired, I just was.

Narrator POV

Aedan and Evelyn left the hospital and sat in Evelyn's car. As soon as Aedan sat down, he let out a loud sigh.

"What's wrong?" Evelyn said while pulling out of the parking lot. Another car cut in front of her, so she pressed on the brakes and Aedan flew forwards. Evelyn quietly chuckled at Aedan, "Oops," she said.

"Splice is going to freaking kill me when we get back to my place," Aedan groaned as he started tapping his foot on the floor of the car.

"Just a sec gotta get some Starbucks" She said as she pulled into a mall parking lot.

"Do we have to go into that mall?" Aedan argued.

"We can stop by Hot Topic..?" Evelyn bribed as she grabbed her Cheshire Cat Wallet.

"Don't you have like, no money though?"

"Did you fall asleep or something? We stopped at the bank!"


"Yeah..? We stopped at the bank before we checked on Cry Baby?"

"I was probably sleeping. Anyway, why did you call her Cry Baby?"

Evelyn held up a paper. "Her birth certificate says Cry Baby on it. I guess she made up the name Melanie or something, and her last name is not Martinez. Her birth certificate says right on it 'Cry Baby"

Aedan closed his eyes and counted to five. "You know what? I'm not going to ask any more questions. I'm so confused right now."

Evelyn got out of her car and walked into the mall. They walked a couple stores in and found a mall map. They stared at it for a couple minutes, and began walking again. "oo, I see it!" Evelyn said as she stuck out her tongue. She ran down the long hallway and gestured to Aedan to walk faster. Aedan picked up his speed a bit, and once Aedan caught up to her they walked into the store. Evelyn immediately turned to face Aedan and said, "Get whatever you want, I'll pay." she said as she ran to the back of the store, towards the Pop Figures and band merch. Aedan walked over to the new Dead Pool stuff, which the store was overflowing with. Meanwhile back where Evelyn was, she had grabbed a BVB shirt, when something stopped her dead in her tracks "Uh, Aedan, I need you to come over here." she said, staring at the shelf. Aedan walked over and gasped

"Melanie Martinez tees" Aedan stared at the shelf with his eyes wide opened Evelyn grabbed one of the shirts and unfolded it. Another gasp.

"This cartoon looks just like her," Evelyn said looking at the shirt, then up at Aedan. Aedan snatched the shirt out of her hand and walked over to the front desk, and slammed it down in front of the cashier.

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