ch2 // kidnpped

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"Where is the candy?" Cry Baby asked with the smile starting to wear off her face.

"trust me, darling, it's at my house," the Ice Cream Man said while he kept smirking even when he was watching the road.

"But, if I don't get home soon, my momma will wonder where I am!"

"Your momma doesn't care where-I mean, she won't mind, she is my friend!" The Ice Cream Man said as he pulled into a long, curved, driveway that pulled into the backyard of a shabby looking home.

The Ice Cream Man grabbed Cry Baby by the collar of her short pink dress and pushed her inside.

"Ow, that kind of hurt!" Cry Baby mumbled quietly to the Ice Cream Man. She looked around and saw a room that looks like it hasn't been cleaned for decades.

He pushed past her and sat on an old, dusty couch with spiders on it.

"Come here, sit on my lap," the Ice Cream Man said to Cry Baby.

She sat beside him. "I don't know. Maybe I will sit beside you. Where's the candy?"

The Ice Cream Man grabbed her by underneath her armpits and placed her hips on his. "Maybe you should listen to your daddy the first time I ask you," The Ice Cream Man said, as Cry Baby was squirming away from him.

"You're not my daddy!" Cry Baby wondered where her real mommy and daddy were. "Does he even know them?" She thought while she said that.

"I am now!" He exclaimed as he put her aside and kissed her on the cheek as he walked out the room.

Cry Baby rubbed this kiss off her face with her palm and cried.

She cried for about 15 minutes until the Ice Cream Man came back in his Ice cream uniform.

"Common, I gotta work" The Ice Cream man growled as he grabbed Cry Baby by one of her pigtails out the door.

Cry Baby screamed in pain, as The Ice Cream Man covered her mouth and tossed her into the back of his van. He slammed the door to his large van and sat in the front seat. The Ice Cream Man started playing the Ice Cream Jingle that Cry Baby used to love, but she officially hated.

Cry Baby noticed that the car got slower, and slower until it came to a complete stop.
She started banging on the windows, seeing that there was a potato car behind her.

"HELP!" She screamed.

The normal agent came to his front window, holding a potato in his right hand.
"Hello, Sir. I am from the POTATO GOVERNMENT SOCIETY or PGS for short." He said, itching his chin with the potato.

"Will you stop that!!" The potato said in a tone, budging herself away from him.

"Anyways, your friends on your street have been complaining that they heard screaming and crying coming from your house. Is there anyone but you living in your household?"

Cry Baby kicked and hit on the wall of the van.

"Uhm, no. Just you know, I just dealt with some stuff, you know, everyday things." He stumbled, not knowing what to say.

"Um, ok. Sir, for security reasons, we are going to have to do a check in the back of your Ice Cream Truck.

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