The games of survival: Dream team

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We were a just little bit faster than them but l think we still got a pretty good score.

Sophie hugs me and we stay hugged for a minute until we hear boy's chuckle.

"Good job, girls!" Noah claps his hands at us and we chuckle.

And then l realize we are covered in mud.

"Come here." Noah calls me and my body refuses to stop so l just blindly follow his instructions. I stand in front of him and he puts his hand under my chin, lifting it so my eyes can meet his.

"We should take a shower." He suggests and l nod. That would be very nice, l mean l'm covered in mud even more after that long hug with Sophie. I feel completely embarrassed because of my wet clothes which are almost see-through.

He leads me trough the woods and the whole way we keep uncomfortable silence.

When we approach a small room which is about one meter wide and two meters long and is made of bricks, Noah stops.

"We are allowed to have showers during the Games of survival. But just so you know, the water is extremely cold." I nod and a little smile appears on my lips because l can actually shower.

"Oh, l forgot to mention one thing." He scratches the back of his neck "There's not much water so Mrs. Smith said couples need to shower together."

Black. I see black as my breathing and heart rate start to speed. I blink a few times to make the darkness go away and my mouth opens a little in frustration. Is he seriously asking me to shower with him? We haven't even kissed, for goodness sake! If l ever die, lt's gonna be because of this boy.

He smirks at my dumb reaction. "Relax, Barbie, l'm kidding." He says and l take another deep breath. "Unless you want to, of course."

I punch him hard in the arm and his moan makes me satisfied for a moment.

How can something so stupidly evil come in such a hot package?

"Just take a fucking shower!" I pull him towards the 'shower' but obviously l'm too weak to move his weight so l give up and sight.

He smirks and takes his towel, going in the shower. Oh thank dear God, l don't know what l would do lf we needed to shower together.

I take my place on a wet stone about ten meters away from the shower. I hear the sound of the water and Noah's hand puts a towel on the top of the small bricked wall.

Lyrics of some cute song appears in my head and l smile at the memories that song brings and start singing quietly. The melody is very catchy, although the song is sad. I've always been a good singer but my family never supported the music career idea, and l think they were right in some ways.

I miss taking long hot showers and thinking about life and making life decisions. I also miss listening to music after shower and for a few minutes forgetting that world exists.

I watch foggy forest around me until my eyes meet his beautiful smile. Stepping towards me, Noah points his hand to the shower. He's wearing black shirt and ripped jeans in light blue color, matching his eyes in a strange way. His eyes travel from my sweet smile, down to my neck and his look becomes a full body check. Nervous feelings take over my body and l blush. He shouldn't have such affect on me.

Noah sees l'm uncomfortable and turns his head on the side closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

He opens his eyes again "Go shower." He commands and l nod, still blushing. I make my way to the shower, a little pissed.


His voice surprises me and l turn around on the half way to the shower.

"Yeah?" I say in a sweet voice and he smiles and some strange feeling fills my stomach. I gotta admit it's not very pleasant.

He hands me a towel and l thank him with a small smile which he kindly returns.

In a few seconds l'm in shower, putting down all my clothes to finally wash after so many days. I press a small dirty button and water splashes on my stomach. I scream in extremely high girly voice. It's so cold! How could he shower in this? I immediately press the button and sigh in relief. This is not a moment to be sensitive, Tiffany. Press the freaking button. Be strong for once in your life and show them you can survive as well as they can.

I press it once again and cold liquid covers me. My body shakes a little under the huge amount of coldness around me, but l relax very soon. I start to sing the same catchy song again and this time lyrics of 'Faded' by Alan Walker, mixed with the sound of water, fills the forest. I start making slow moves which look like dancing as cold water covers me completely.

I lost a track of time, but l think lt's been about ten minutes since l started showering. I wrap a towel around my body and then put on my oversized white T-shirt with no application on it and a cute little black shorts which is not very fashionable, but comfy.

It's time to go back in reality and to face Noah. I make my way outside of the shower room and see him standing by the tree, his legs crossed and hands in front pockets of the jeans. I hope he didn't hear me singing because l hate singing in front of people.

He stares at me with a cute smile and my stomach vibrates once again at the uncomfortable but sweet feeling of his blue eyes glaring at mine.

We stand two feet away from each other and l take a long moment to examine his stunning smile and strong body. This is the moment when hero kisses heroine in every film or book. But this is not our moment.

"Let's go, baby." He whispers and takes my hand gently pulling me and l follow his steps.

"You don't get to call me 'baby'." I say acting like some lame imitation of rebel and he smirks playfully.

I frown at him but only thing he does is laugh even more. Asshole.


"Hey you guys..." Sophie gives me and Noah awkward look, smirking at me.

"Hey." I ignore her annoying reaction and keep going to Zoe. She is in some other team, l think blue one.

"Hey Zoe!" I smile at her and she returns.

"Look, they made a tabel!" Ethan screams happily and everyone starts running to the huge tree with white board on it. Noah and l stay a few meters behind them. There is no need to hurry.

"We are third team, guys!" Sophie screams excited and l give her a forced smile. "Right after purple- that's Monika, and white team."

"Who are whites?" Noah asks concerned but at the same time extremely interested.

"Them." Ethan points at a group of 18 years olds who wear all black. There are three of them - all are boys. Then the forth one joins them. She wears pink bitchy leggings and something black that looks like a bra. Nike sneakers glow in pink glitter which is added to them after shopping. A girl starts to laugh at whatever one of the hot boys said and she unties her high ponytail letting her blond long hair fall on the shoulders.

"Who's the girl?" I ask and they stare at me like l asked them what's a potato.

"You don't know her?" Ethan asks and l roll my eyes. I guess l never noticed her before.

"How's that even possible?" Zoe's eyes find a way to mine and l just groan.

"Her name is Melody." Noah says obviously worried about something.

I nod "l like her." I say and they all stare at me concerned as a few other teenagers join them in their surprised glares. "You what?" Ethan says shocked.

Before they can try to stop me, l make my way to Melody and guys. She looks at me surprised when l approach her, but then her face turns bitchy again.

"You are Melody, right?" I smile at her.


Hey hey hey guys!

I honestly HATE to cut chapters in interesting moments but l promise l'll update very soon so stay with me! 😄

Don't be silent readers and tell me what you think in comments and vote. Love ya.

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