15: Friends... Ish

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I'm woken by water falling onto my face. I open my eyes, a bit disoriented by my unfamiliar surroundings. Looking over, I'm laying on someone's chest, my leg slung over theirs, their arm slung around my waist. I direct my eyes up and see it's Jackson; all the thoughts flood back through my brain; I'm in a truck with Jackson, and I have a wet face.
Looking up, the sky is overcast. Shit.
He groans.
"It's raining, let go of me."
He looks at his arm wrapped around my waist. "Huh, how'd that happen?"
"Just- move, now."
He releases me, and I jump out of the back, and start walking down the road. Considering he's so fucking lazy  and he probably won't get me home in one piece, might as well walk.
I keep walking, mad at myself for falling asleep, mad at him for taking me, mad at life for letting him into it... just mad at everything.

I've been walking for a while and it really started downpouring. California hardly ever gets rain and today's the day it decides to take a giant piss on me?
I keep walking, soaked to the core, when I hear a vehicle pull up next to me.
"Luna, get in."
"No, you're fucking up my life."
"Come on, just get in. It could get worse."
"Not until I get in that truck with you, it can't."
"Luna, please. Do you think I meant to do that?"
"How should I know? You're too psycho for anyone to comprehend."
"Jun Luna. Get in this fucking truck right now before I get out and drag your ass in here."
I stop walking. But I don't move to get in. I might as well just stay here... I'm already dead when I step foot on my parents property.
I hear the door open and close to my left. "Jackson, get back in the truck."
"You'll get sick."
"So will you if you stand out here any longer."
"I don't care."
"Well, I do. So get in, please."
I just stand there, not moving and inch.
He huffs and reaches into his truck, grabbing a jacket and slinging it across my shoulders. "Please Lu."
Finally looking at him, I sigh and move to the passengers side hopping into the cab.
Further down the road he mumbles a "Thank you."
"For what?"
I nod, staring out the window.
"So why were you so pissed at me?"
"I wasn't. I was just- I was angry with myself. I constantly keep letting my guard down with you and I'm gonna be dead when I get home. I'm disappointing myself."
"I'm sorry... I can fix it-"
"No, please don't bother. They'll just have more to get on me later."

We pull up to the house and I can already see Jasper in the window, arms crossed.
"Well, here's my end," I chuckle. "Worse is now he knows it's a guy I was out with, so on top of the 'responsibility' speech I'm gonna get the 'boys are bad' lecture. And I'll be locked in my room for the rest of my days."
"Luna, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" I kiss him on the cheek.
"Don't be sorry. I'd say after last night, we're friends... ish." I get out of the truck and head to the front door.


I sit there for a second. What in the actual fuck just happened?
A smile creeps it's way onto my face.

Can't Handle It | Jackson Wangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن