8: Breakfast Date

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May places the food in the center of the dining room table and then takes a seat next to Jackson on the side opposite me. He hasn't stopped looking at me in a funny way since we sat down. Well, what was I supposed to do, say no and be rude?
"Well, Luna, help yourself." She gives me a smile as she picks up a pineapple bun.
I nod, not knowing what to do. I risk a look in Jackson's direction only to see him looking back, picking at his 'jook' or Chinese porridge.
I grab a bun and start to pick at it, but
quickly get somewhat uncomfortable with Jackson staring me down.
"So, Luna, did you stay here last night?" Mrs. Wang looks up at me expectantly.
"Umm... yes, I did. I just got tired after our studying..." I mention nothing of our pool incident, and don't plan to.
"Did you and Jackson hav-" she stops herself when Jackson starts to choke on his water. "Oh! Honey, are you okay?" Sophia rubs his back as he tries to compose himself.
I notice May give her a look. "What? Its a legitimate question."
"Well, thank you so much for breakfast, but I should be going-"
"Honey, one awkward moment doesn't make it necessary to leave."
It was actually a FEW awkward moments, but who cares, right? -.-
I sit back down.
"No, Mom, we didn't. I would never."
I kick his shin. I know I'm not that attractive, but seriously? He hits his hand on the table. Sophia jumps a little.
"Sorry, hand's numb." He glares at me. I shrug and give him a smirk, which causes his eyes to roll.

Our awkward breakfast ends in the next couple of minutes and I intended to take off and never come back, but she invites me to lunch as well. "It'll be fun!"
"You can bring a friend," she tries to reassure.
"Well... my parents are home...?"
She smiles at the idea. "That'd be nice." Jackson walks past us then. "Oh, Jackson, walk Luna to the door, would you? I have to run a few errands." She walks away, further into the house leaving us alone.
"Let's go."
I grab my bag and clothes which are on the couch and head toward the front door. "Jackson."
"Your mom invited my parents and I to lunch this afternoon."
"Did you say no?"
"I couldn't."
"Do you have some sort of thing that makes you incapable of disappointing anyone?"
"No, but this is your mother. I made a horrible impression this morning, and I intend to mend it."
"Starters, you can't fix a first impression, second, this is an ego thing, isn't it? You have to be Miss Perfect all the time. I thought I told you to chill with that."
"And you're expecting me to listen?"
"Just chill, alright? I'll invite some friends so it won't be so awkward for us."
"What about my parents?"
"My mom will insist their's come too. Now go on."
I roll my eyes and head out to my car.
"Hey Luna!"
Walking backwards, I yell, "What?"
"Bring a bathing suit this time. I don't wanna have to wash your clothes again."
He retreats into the house.

Can't Handle It | Jackson WangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz