12: No More Dignity

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Just wait until she sees this.


I get out of my car and head to the building, but I stop when I get to the door.
What the hell is that?
I turn back around and I see Jackson, Mr. I'm-the-coolest-guy-ever is wearing and Eeyore onesie, walking towards me.
"Luna!" Oh shit. I try to get away from him, to melt into the crowd but he catches up to me before I can get through the doors.
I purse my lips and give him a forced smile. "Hi... Jackson. What's this?"
"If you start talking to me again, I'll take this off and won't go through with the rest of it."
"Rest of it?"
"You'll see. Now come on, yes or no?"
I give him a look.
"I'm not gonna deal with your bullshit today. Bye, Jackson."

First hour and fourth he was still wearing that costume and I was afraid every class period that he was gonna do something.
But he didn't. Just clung to me like a needy child, tried holding my hand every 3 seconds, flirted, and told everyone he could that we were a thing.
And now that lunch is coming up, I'm even more nervous of what hell will be raised.
I'm standing in the lunch line, and eventually I get to the register, hand over the money and go to my table, but he's there.
What the hell...?
Heemin and Shay look pretty wooed by him, but as expected, Sulli, the girl I share DNA with, seems to also share my point of view on this situation.
He turns to face me, "Oh, Luna, you're here! Come sit."
I reluctantly place myself between him and Sulli.
"So, how's your day?"
"Like hell, thanks to you."
"Lu, be nice!" I look over at Shay scolding me and roll my eyes. Has he tormented you for the majority of your high school life? No, so shut up.
When the conversation sparks back up, mostly due to Taeyeon and Haera coming to the table, Jackson leans over and whispers in my ear, "ready for the next part of 'the rest of it?'"
"Hey, did you guys hear about the party at my place a few weeks ago?"
"Oh yeah, I was there. Totally lit, by the way," Heemin gushes.
"Always is. Anywho... that whole thing actually started with a little get together with Luna's family."
"Oh really? Lu, not something you told us..." Shay gives me a suspicious look.
"And after all of that, she had become quite, the flirt-"
"Mark, Junior, you know? Who's next, right?"
I can feel their eyes on me, but all I'm doing is glaring at him. "Word. Jackson Wang. Now." I get up, grab him by the ear and drag him out to the commons.
"What. The FUCK. WAS THAT?!"
"I had to go to extremes to get what I wanted."
"Who said I was gonna do what you asked, huh?"
"If not, I'm gonna tell the WHOLE, story. Even your little daddy thing."
I close my eyes, pinch the bridge of my nose, and take a deep breath to ensure I don't kill him.
"To the whole school."
"UGH, fine. I'll keep talking to your little prick-ass. Just quit with the static cling, would ya? You're embarrassing me." I take a step from him, but turn back around.
Within the second, I back hand him across the face.
"I deserved that."
"Good, then we understand each other."

Can't Handle It | Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now