How He Feels About Breaking Up, He Talks To Me About It, And I Give Him Advice

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((A/N) Yeah.... I really don't feel like explaining myself again, so long story short- I have brown eyes and black hair, not blue and blonde. Also, wanna know what sucks? When your mp4 file corrupts after it took a week to convert to mp4. This happened to me! I was gonna post a video on YouTube, but I couldn't.)

~Zombie Pigman~

Zimon's P.O.V.

I was walking around the Nether, crying my eyes out. I feel so sad, but this is for the best.... Right?

I wasn't watching were I was going, and I tripped and fell through a Nether portal.

My P.O.V.

I was about to step into my Nether portal, but before I could, someone fell out.

"Woah! Okay, that's never happened before.", I said as a jumped in shock. I looked at the person who fell through. "Who are you?", I asked. They looked up at me.

"O-Oh! I-I-I'm sorry! I s-s-stumbled and fell into a-a portal, and I w-was brought here. I-I'll go!" He went back to the portal, when I noticed his cheeks were wet.

"Oh, hold on... Were you crying young man?"

He didn't respond, but instead nodded slowly. "I b-broke up with m-m-my girlfriend..."

"Oh no! What happened?"

"I wasn't a-a-able to protect her. S-She almost died a-a-and my friend h-had to save h-her.", he said.

"Well, why were you in the Nether in the first place?"

"I-I live there.... I-I'm a h-humanoid. That's a-"

"Oh, you're a humanoid! My closest friends happen to be humanoids as well. I didn't think that there were Nether Mob humanoids...... Sorry, I got off track. Continue."

"O-Okay... Well, she w-w-was with m-m-me in the N-Nether, exploring a-a fortress. I was i-in a different a-a-area at the t-time. I-I heard h-h-her screaming for m-me. By the t-time I g-got there, my friend h-h-had already saved h-her.", he sobbed.

"I see..... Well, you wanted to save her, right?"

He nodded.

"Hm.... Well here's how I see it. I don't think you broke up with her because you couldn't save her... I think you broke up with her because you thought that she would think you weren't good enough for her... Am I right?"

He gasped in realization. "Oh m-my Notch! Y-Y-You are right!"

I put my cheek in my hand and shook my head. "Oh no, this happened with one of my friends. Listen, I'm sure she doesn't think that. I bet you are good enough for her. After all, a girl would be able to realize that!"

"R-Really?", the young man stuttered.

"Yeah! So I suggest that you go back and get her!"

"Y-Yeah... Yeah! I-I will! T-Thank you, your highness!"

I gasped. "Y-Your welcome! How do you know who I am?"

"This i-is your castle, r-r-right? I think I c-c-came through t-this portal b-before and saw you."

"Oh really? Well then, it's nice to meet you."

"Y-You too. Goodbye!"


Graham's P.O.V.

I wasn't cheating on her, honestly! The girl was just my ex.... A very clingy one at that. I wish I could tell (Y/N) what happened, but I can't get to her!

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