Uh oh (part 2 of a little date can't hurt right)

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Calyspo PoV

Urgh! Now my first date turn into a disaster! Why the fates must be like this. Now I need to get out of this mess. By the way where am I?! The last thing I saw was Leo being hit on the back of his neck then he went unconscious and I was stuff in to a very large black bag with other girls and the guys in black also tie all of our hands and feet together. We were then dumped onto some place and it started to moved. And around maybe half an hour later, the bag was finally opened. But me and the other girls limps are all tangled together and the black guys untied our feet so we can walk but our hands are now tied to our back.
I looked around and saw there are three other girls all I think around my physical age(I'm sure they are not 3000 thing years old) all around 15-17. And around 10 black guys that capture us. Some are limping cause they are injured. I smirked at that, feeling some sort of satisfaction. They brought us to some sort of abandoned building.

The red hair girl that's kind of short demanded fiercely "Where are we going and why you capture us?! Are you some sort of demons or downworlders (yes this three shots are gonna have more than one fandom)"

I was confused, what was she talking about?! Is she some demigod or something.

One of the guys growled, "Shut up, you are gonna speak when we said so." She scowled and glared at him but shut up and we all kept walking towards the abandoned building. When all of us were inside, the guys locked the doors and two of them stand on each side of the door, guarding it. I looked around, there is a very old staircase that looked like its gonna fall any second and one room near the stairs.
An old man around his late 40 came out of the room and all the black guys stood straighter. Huh I think that's there boss or whatever.

The old man said, "So boys, only four?! I thought I said I need five."

One of the black guy stammered, "Umm...err... It's be-because one of them... Er didn't come so..." The old man looked angry then it disappeared as fast as it appeared and was put on a blank face.

"It's ok you did well Vincent. "He said smoothly. The guys signed in relieved.

"Now let me introduce myself to the guests I'm mirror and well tonight me and my friends are gonna have you for our self and tomorrow you are gonna be sell to some rich people and do whatever they tell you got it?" He said like it happened everyday, well maybe this happen every night to him but not me. Then the reality sink in, he is going to sleep with one of us and then sell us to other people and do who knows what to us! And every single one of us is either going to sleep with him or his friends. And now I couldn't even fight. Urgh why is the fate so mean.!

Leo PoV
I woke up and looked around me. I'm on a bed and everything around me is white and some polices were here. Oh I'm in a hospital. What happened?! Then everything came back to me. CALYPSO! Where's she?! I looked around and saw three other boys around my age and it looks like their girlfriends were also gone. Soon the police noticed me wake and asked me questions like what happened and stuff I refused to answer them until they tell me where Calyspo is.

One of the police said, "Sir, we are already trying to find all of your girlfriends. You need to cooperate with us so we can help you find your girlfriend."

I signed and finally told them what happened.

They nodded and write down all of it on some paper and then one of them said, "Thank you, we will try our best."

Then all of them left. I started to think of a plan to safe my girl. Of course I wouldn't wait for the police, they will take ages. I looked around and saw a clock, what?! It's already like 10pm. How am I gonna tell Chiron and he expect us to be back by 10 at night.

Suddenly I heard a noise

"Thank Hephaestus you are the safe!" I turned around to see Jason and Chiron. They IM me. "What happened?" Chiron asked concerned.

So I told them what happened. Chiron scratched his beard. "I don't think is any monsters doing it, it may be mortals like you know terrorist attack." I groaned. Great so I beat dirt face and monsters but now mortals steal my girlfriend and I can do nothing. Nothing!!

"So what should I do?!" I asked them desperately. We couldn't leave Calyspo like that.

"I don't really know, this kind of thing never really happened. How about you tried to find her first, we will try to research first if we found out anything we will tell you. Now you tried to find her first. And from what I heard from you, the other girls boyfriend may be able to help you. I don't think some of them are normal mortals." Chiron said to me as he eyed the other boys.

I nodded and end IM. Then I walk out of the hospital, in the hallway, I saw two of the guys the one blond hair guy and a very dark brown that's almost black hair guy talking together. They motion me towards them. I cautiously went towards them.

The black hair guy said to me, "You want to join us to save all of our girlfriends?"

A/N finally I finish this chapter! So can you guys guess what other three fandom is it from? (Tips: you can find all of the fandom I'm in and is one of them) and school is gonna start two weeks later and I will try to do one more chapter before school starts. Please ignore my mistakes or tell me and continued to

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