Capture the flag game (part 2)

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No ones PoV

The Hephaestus and Hermes kids with Conner, Travis and Leo leading them building and making the traps (too lazy to describe the traps) while Demeter and Dionysus kids make the vines to protect and cover up the banner in the tree. With the Apollo kids hiding in the near by trees ready to fire the arrows in case the Romans came. The Ares kids surrounded the tree where the banner was and were scattered around it.

Annabeth said, "Athena kids will go and distract the Romans first, then 5 minutes later me, Percy and Nico will go and try to get the banner. And Aphrodite kids." The Aphrodite stop what they are doing (which were fixing their make up, hair, cloths etc) and listen. "Will charm speak the Romans to fight each other with Piper in charge." Annabeth contunied. Some Aphrodite kids groaned (well it is almost all except Piper who was excited). Then the Athena kids spread out to find the Roman's banner.

The Romans hide the banner in Zeus's fist the fifth and fourth legion get some branches, leaves, vines etc to hide the banner, than they scattered around there hiding around the trees with the third legion. The first and second legion went to find and distract the Greeks.

"Jason, you fly high and try to locate where the Greek's banner is with Frank" Jason and Frank nodded, Reyna contunied "Hazel and I will wait here and when you guys find it tell us and you two try to get it from above and we get it from below got it?"

All of them nodded

Chiron, Mr. D and calypso were watching the game.

Frank turned into an eagle and flew with Jason, they found the banner in the tree which was near the creek that wasn't far away form where their banner was. They found back Renya and Hazel told them where it was and Renya and Hazel followed the boys. On their way, they saw the first and second legion fighting with the Mars-no Ares kids so they walked behind some bushes. Unfortunately, two of the Ares kids saw them and fought them, before they could tell others Renya and Hazel knocked them out. And hurriedly caught up with the boys. When they arrived the two guards were quickly beaten by Renya and when they stepped near the banner, some ropes hang them upside down on the tree and some Hephaestus kids brought them and tied them up and took all of their weapons 10meters away so Hazel couldn't use them and escape. Meanwhile the boys weren't so lucky when Frank (still in eagle form) was about to snatch the banner some net caught it and Frank turned back to himself but didn't bring any weapon so some Hermes kids brought him down and tied him up as well with the two other girls. So when Jason saw all of that happening still startled, some fire(you can guess who it is) and arrows was shooting him. So he took out his sword and blocked the arrows but one of the arrows had nets shooting out of it and one of them caught him but it was made out of some kind of gold that needed to be melt by fire to be broken. And he was caught off guard and fall. The two guards were recovered already so they also tied Jason up and took away all his weapons.

"Annabeth we found the banner in Zeus's fist." One of the Athena kid told Annabeth.

Annabeth nodded, "Nico, you shadow travel us to there then you and Percy will fight the two guards while I get the flag then we shadow travel back ok?"

They nodded Nico hold hands with Percy and Annabeth on the other side. The next moments they were right in front of the banner. The guards were stunned for a moments then they started to fight while Percy and Nico quickly finished the guards but more came so Annabeth put on the Yankees baseball cap and disappeared. Percy and Nico was one of the best swordman but they was outnumbered, luckily the Athena kids came to their aid and was fighting a tie. One of the Roman kid found their banner floating in the air so some of them stopped and looked at it. So at the time percy Annabeth and Nico were back they saw the four Romans tied around the trees.

Chiron declared the game was over and the Greeks won.

A/N hey guys it was the hardest chapter that I have ever written I was not very good at writing fighting scenes so I didn't write any. Sorry for the garmmer and spelling mistakes just please ignore it and I hope you understands. And I think I can't update for MAYBE more than a week or two so please forgive me and please contunied to




To let me know if you guys like it or not. THANKS bai~~<3

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