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Leo and I were finding our seat in the big cinema for my first ever 3D movie. The seats Leo bought us were the middle which is perfect. I sat down on the comfortable chair, when Leo suddenly said, "Oh my Hades! I forgot about the popcorn and soda! Be right back sunshine." He said quickly and rushed out.

I chuckled at his scrawny back running out, dodging people.

I sat there for 10 minutes, waiting patiently for him, soon I started to get worried and uncomfortable so I got up and went to find Leo.

I was walking towards the small place they sold drinks and snacks when I saw them. What the Hades?! There was this girl flirting with my boyfriend!? I was fuming once I saw the sight of a girl touching Leo's bicep's and blinking her eyes at him like. Does her eyes had some problem?!

I stomped towards them and when the girl saw me, she snotted and continued talking to MY boyfriend. She was wearing a mini skirt that was just a little bit below her butt, a tight tank top that stick to her like second skin and pounds of make up.

I go to them and tucked Leo's arm, the girl sneered at me, "Hey, can't you see I'm talking to hottie over here?!"

"The 'hottie' you mentioned is my boyfriend, so please don't open your legs at my boyfriend and please wear some cloths, you wouldn't want everyone to see. Oh wait! You have nothing to be seen. Now excuse me I want to talk to my boyfriend." I said, pulling leo away.

He stared at me, mouth opened and wide eyes.
"What?" I said self-consciously.

"Wow, you sure look much hotter when you are jealous." He said giving me a goofy smile. I smacked his arm slightly.

I'm so glad Annabeth and Piper taught me how to deal with all those hungry mortal girls outside. I'm so glad to had them now as my best friend.

I scowled playfully, "Does this meant I'm not hot when I'm not jealous?"

"N-no I mean yes no no I mean you are always hot just hotter when you are jealous..." he said rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I laughed at his struggling look,"Come on."

After we finally bought the popcorn, we walked back hand in hand and could finally watched the 3D movie.

A/N hey guys, I know I hadn't been writing fanfic for like a year. Reading back, this is so bad, I had no idea how I could had 1K reads! But thank you everyone! I really love you guys for this. Anyways I know this is shorter than usually, since now I'm older and forcusing on short stories rather than fanfic. But I will write once I had ideas or inspirations. So follow me to know or add this to your library to know when I had an update! Meanwhile, please check out my other stories. Bye!

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Caleo Fanfic~ After The War (one-shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें