Lucas first as Farkle and Zay tried to hold him back, "Texas Lucas isn't welcome here." Farkle and Zay told him, his eyes settled on me and his gaze softened as he pulled me into a hug. It felt good to be with the friends I loved again, Lucas let go and I was immediately received by Zay, "Hey Sugar, how you doin?" I just let out a sob into his shoulder and he rubbed my back soothingly, "Hey don't I get a turn?" The boys chuckled and Zay let go as Farkle pulled me into a hug.

Once they were all done they lead me to the bay window, "Guys I appreciate the support but there really isn't anything you can do." They sighed, "Well there has to be something because it must be pretty bad. I mean your Dad is letting us in here, and your Mom and Auggie called they sounded pretty worried." I just put my head on Farkles shoulder, Lucas' phone went off and he checked, "Holy Horseshoes." I perked up, "What huckleberry?"

Using the name hurt but I could try to be funny right? He clicked his phone off and shook his head, "N-nothing.. It's just n-nothing.." I jumped up and grabbed my phone before they could stop me. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, 'Venue location released for Maya Harts tour finale concert in New York. Across from the apartments on Blecker Street in the empty field.' My heart sank, that's where we had our first kiss. Sitting in that field I read on, 'New news on this pop sensation, Maya Hart was caught yesterday with a girl. They were holding hands as Maya dragged the un-identified girl up to her front step and through the door before our reporters could ask any questions.'

I decided to just let it go, I turned off my phone and went back into my room. The boys looked at me worriedly, "I can handle myself boys. Thanks but you can go now." They got up and gave me another hug before they headed out of my room. I fell onto my bed and passed out, I was exhausted.

The days flew by as the concert approached, I wasnt happy. I hadn't been leaving my house on purpose just in case she was around. I wanted to see her but I didn't, I love her but I know it would hurt to look into her ocean eyes. I had just been surfing the Internet and messing around on YouTube, I shut my computer and slipped into NY sweatpants a loose tee and a hoodie that was big on me. I didnt even bother with my hair after brushing it I just left it down in its normal straight self, "My hair is the only straight part of me." I laughed because it was true. I turned on the tv and got ready for the concert even though I was sure I was going to hear it because it was just across the street.

I flipped through the channels until I heard then start the music from across the road. I turned down the tv and opened the kitchen window. If I squinted hard enough I could see her on the stage, her golden curls bouncing as she ran across the stage to hype everyone up. I watched the tv from the corner of my eye and saw her face scrunch up into one of those big excited ones she always made. I decided it was best to look out the window instead, I watched her concert slightly crying when she would sing her first songs. the concert was almost over and I was kinda relieved but sad, "This next song is dedicated not only to my hometown here in New York but to a special someone I took advantage of last time I was here." I scoffed, sucking up to one of those people she dated since she didnt care about me, "And I know you're watching from your kitchen window and your tv your mom called I'm sorry baby. I know I hurt you a lot, I know it will take a lot to fix it but I'm not going to deny us in the public eye anymore. So listen up Paparazzi! I'm insane because I let this girl go, you wanna know her name?" The crowd including me shouted yes, "Well her names Riley Matthews. I love her. Y'all were wrong about me dating people during tour, I could never hurt her more than I did. I love her and this next song is for her."

I froze, she loved me? She never actually dated those people? She started playing the song she called Your Loves like. I ran into my room and threw on my converse as fast as I can.
Sometimes life gets bitter.

I tied my lace for my first shoe

I get strung out, caught in the middle

I brushed a tear from my eyes

And I can't breathe
I just need a little taste of paradise
I know a place I can escape to...

I tied up my last laces and washed off my face as I headed out the door. I got in the elevator and I could still hear the music.

Your love's like breathing in the salty air
Of summer on a private island just for me
Your love's like the feeling I get
When my favorite songs spinnin' in my head
Keep it play playin' on repeat
It's like flowers in the spring time
Every day is Valentine's
So good it's hard to describe
It's like Paris after midnight,
Dancing in the moonlight
That's what your love,
That's what your love's like

I ran down the street and once the guards saw me they let me through. She was just finishing the song up as I ran through the crowd. Everyone moving as I got closer,

Because that's what your love, that's what your loves like.

I ran up the stage as she let go of the last note and I tackled her in a hug. She almost fell over and I breathed in her scent, it hasn't changed. It was the scent of fresh peaches on a summer picnic in a pine forest. I didnt want to let go and she understood so we just kept our arms wrapped around each other. "I love you Riles." Her voice danced around in my head and her breath tickled my ear. I pulled away and decided to mess with her, "You thought coming back and singing would fix this?" She looked shocked, "Umm yes?.. I mean No! I mean Yes!" I laughed at her, "Well your right." I pulled her into a kiss.

We rested our foreheads together after we broke apart, "I love you too Peaches, I never stopped." She smiled and put the mic at her mouth, "Goodbye New York!!" They all started filing out as Maya led me back stage. I enjoyed the feeling of her hand in mine, the feeling that made my heart beat faster than a cheetah when our skin touched. Backstage was my family, Lucas, Farkle, and Zay. They embraced me in a hug and Maya pulled me into another one. "Mmm I missed you darling." I smiled into the crook of her neck, "I missed you too peaches." We kissed again and we went out to eat.

For the first time in what seemed like forever I smiled so much my cheeks hurt, I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe, and I was so happy I couldn't have it better. It's because I was with Maya, if I'm without Maya I won't ever be happy.


Soo what did y'all think?? The next chapter I'm gonna post will be a Rilaya Lucaya triangle, I would've posted it first but this one has been sitting around waiting to be completed for a little bit. By the way thanks again for all the support and encouragement! It really makes my day when you guys enjoy these! So thanks again, hope you enjoyed.

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