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**A Quick Note

Hey guys I'll be taking Fall In Love down because I was already working on a sequel to one of my other stories and this book, and I didn't want to continue giving you guys some crappy chapters so I'll be taking it down.

While its down I'll just be editing and checking if it's going the way I want it to. But I will be posting it back up after I'm done with the sequel of this book- and yes I do plan on having a sequel for this book, but this book has a loooong way to go😭

But yeah don't forget to pm me or comment me some good baby names, as I said in the last chapter boy or girl it doesn't matter.

But lemme stop talking and start this chapter 😌

=Natasha Jones=

I looked at the phone and laughed. Jermaine just texted me talking about oh it's over. Does he not knows that I'm pregnant with his twins?! I already went to Doctor and they said that I was 5 weeks pregnant.

I exited out of the messages with him while shaking my head and clicked on Kim.

He broke up with me!😂😭

Sissy🐝-Which one?🤔

Jermaine nigga, he broke up with me on a text message.😭

Sissy🐝-Damn sis, you always know how to pick 'em😭

Antywaaays, we gotta handle the bitch that he fucking with

Sissy🐝-Alright but when cuz you know my knuckles always itching to fight somebody

😭😭ion know, when do you think we should fight her?

Sissy🐝-Not now, we'll get that bitch when it's least expected🤔

Mm alright imma call you later, okay?


I exited out the messages with her and called Javon.

He picked up on the second ring."hello?"

"Hey Javon, what you doing right now?"I asked seductively.

"Nothing wanna come over?"I smirked while twirling a piece of my hair with my finger.

"Alright. I'll be there in 30,"

"Ill leave the door open,"I nodded and ended the phone call.

I got up and walked straight to shower, taking a hot bath. After I was done, I brushed my teeth.

I walked out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body and into the closet.

I chose a really short black dress with matching pumps. I walked out the closet and slid on my black thong with a matching bra.

I rubbed some Victoria's Secret lotion onto my body and slid I tot he clothing that I chose from the closet.

I dabbed a little makeup onto my face and pulled my straightened hair into a sleek, high ponytail.

P O W E R  T R I P{A J.Cole FanFic} **DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now