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=Andrea McKnight=

I woke up to the sound of Jermaine talking to a doctor."Ok I'll sign her papers,"I heard the door open then close.

I looked up to see Jermaine standing next to the sink. I cleared my throat and he turned around."Good afternoon sleepyhead,"i slyly smiled and sat up.

My mouth and throat were really dry. I pointed towards a cup of water and ice."Do you want your water?"I nodded and he handed me the cup while helping me hold it and put it up to my mouth.

"Mm. Thanks,"he nodded and waved me off.

"No problem. Your moving in with me,"

"Wait. What?!"he looked at me.

"Your moving with me,"

"No. I don't want to move in with you Jermaine. So thanks for asking but no,"

"I wasn't asking I was telling,"he said while picking my clothes up and handing them too me.

"What about my mom?"I asked.

"What about her?"

"Don't you think that she's going to ask 'hey where's my daughter'?"he shook his head.

"She came in earlier and I told her about what happened and now she says that I can take you. She said that she doesn't need you anymore and after I'm done signing the papers, I'll take you over there because I know that you'll think that I'm lying,"I shook my head.

"She really said that?"he nodded as I felt the tears building up.


After Jermaine signed the release papers, I could finally leave to my new home. I got dressed and we left. The car ride was silent and all you could hear was a song being played by Kendrick Lamar called Ignorance Is Bliss.

I silently sat there just looking out the window, in deep thought as to why would my mother give me to someone so easily. I thought that she loved me. But I never heard her say that to me.

As we pulled into my driveway, I shifted my eyes from out the window to Jermaine. He got out and opened my door for me and I got out and thanked him. We walked to the door and Jermaine knocked on the door.

The door opened and my mom stood there."I thought I said that I didn't wanna see her face here no more,"I chewed on my upper lip.

"Why would you give me up easily to a person like that?"I asked.

"Because I don't want you here. Ever since you came here you've been causing me problems. Lying on my husband like that. David wouldn't even hurt a fly and your friend over here is talking about oh her dad raped her. Pssh. All you ever do is lie and cause problems,"i shook my head.

"H-How?"I asked.

She looked at me and tried to close the door but Jermaine's foot got in the way."I thought you loved me, your only daughter?"she shook her head.

"Love you? I would never love you! Your not my kid and I'm not your mom so why should I love you? Your not my daughter! Fuck outta here!"I slowly covered my mouth as tears spilled out of my eyes.

P O W E R  T R I P{A J.Cole FanFic} **DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now