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=Jermaine Lamarr Cole=

I was getting ready to go over to Florida and I already had packed one suit case since it was only for two days. I checked the time and saw that it was 3:02pm and my flight was at 4 so I putted my suitcase in the trunk of my car and locked the house. I got in my car and started it up. I decided that I was going to pick Andrea up.

Me and her have been having problems ever since the night I gave her head. She tasted amazing. But ever since I said that it was not supposed to happen, she'd been acting distant.

I smiled as soon as I saw her but that quickly turned into a frown as soon as i saw her talking to that Jeffery guy. She laughed walked away. As she was walking she noticed me and made her way towards the car. She got in and threw her backpack in the backseat and adjusted her self so that she was comfortable.

Should I tell her or no?

I opened my mouth to say something but I quickly shutted it. It didn't seem that she would care if I was gone for two days, so I wasn't gonna say anything.

I dropped her off and she got out and slammed the door shut. She must be on her monthly. I shook my head and pulled out the drive way making my way over to the airport. As I parked in the parking lot, I checked the time and saw that it was 3:38pm.

I had just enough time to get situated.


"32B,"I said to the flight attendant and she showed me my seat.

I sat down and then I felt my phone buzzing. I pulled it out and saw that it was Ibrahim. I picked up on the 3rd ring."Wassup Ib,"

"Yo,Jermaine they took her!"he shouted and I looked back at the phone and placed it back onto my ear.

"Who took who?"

"One of Cameron workers took Andrea!"my eyes widen and I quickly got up.

"H-How d-did you f-find out?"I asked as I stuttered.

"She said that she had something she had to tell me and when I came to the house, the front door was wide open and as I walked in I saw broken glass and blood all over the place when I opened her room door her sheets were all messed up,"he sniffed."Damn, Bruh they took her,"

I pinched he bridge of my nose and frowned."ok imma find Cameron and I'm going to make him tell me where she at and in the meantime I want you to get a lot of the men and do your thing,"

"Alright jerm, imma talk to yo ass later,"I chuckled and he hanged up.

Ibrahim and Andrea have became really good friends. She said that she likes Ibrahim because he's so goofy. I silently prayed for Andrea and sat back and tried to relax.

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't because I wanted to know if Andrea was alright but I know that she's scared for her life.

I letted out a deep sigh and rushed my hand down my face. While I had my eyes closed I felt someone come and sit right next to me. I opened my eyes and arched a brow while looking at the women next to me.

"Hello. I'm Natasha,"she held her hand out for a handshake and I just looked at it.

"O-K. I came over here to tell that i noticed that you were stressed,"

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