Chapter 17

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© all rights reserved BFFBNJ aka Brenda M. England

Sorry for the delay on this chapter. With the holidays I haven't had a lot of time to update it but I hope it was worth the wait. Hope everyone had/has a great holiday!

 This is the song from this chapter----------------------------->

As If Life Could Get Any Worse

Chapter 17

That night Zaphira laid in bed totally torn about how she felt about Octavian. She knew that they were supposedly soul-mates but what that really mean to her? Honestly? Not much...She grew up not having a clue about this, so called, soul-mate garbage, totally unaware of having some glowing tattoo that would appear when she was next to Octavian.

Ever since she had known Octavian he had been nothing but nice to her. Even when he could have easily punished her for invading his privacy he didn't. She had told him he was a monster and she wanted nothing to do with him. All because of who his brother was! At the thought of Cezar, she shivered. She really didn't know if she could get past that part but....

She laid there remembering the memories of her that Octavia had. It was so hard for her to believe that just by listening to her sing and seeing her, he could instantly fall in love with her. Those kinds of things only happened in fairy tales or movies. Her life DEFINITELY was not either of those.

She tossed and turned all night...what in the world am I going to do?

He had his hands wrapped around my throat choking me,bent over the bed.. Tears ran down my face, I screamed in agony as he raped me over and over again. Oh God someone help me please...

“STOP Please!” she screamed, “Stop.... ahhh!” She thrashed in her bed.

Startled, Zaphira felt warm arms wrap around her pulling her into them. She then realized she had been having a nightmare. She reached for whoever it was that was pulling, grabbing onto their shoulders, as tremors of fear over took her body. Her face was already wet from the tears she shed in her sleep but she added to them now as the grief and anguish overwhelmed her as she had just relived a moment with that...that monster.

Zaphira's chin quivered, “Please don't leave me alone.”

“I will not leave you, my beautiful Zaphira.” Octavian stated. He could feel her recognition as she realized it was him and not Chloe.

At first thought panic ran through her as she realized that Octavian was sitting on her bed and holding her in his arms comforting her. But..she just couldn't bring herself to pull away from him. It just felt..right?

Octavian cradled Zaphira as she whimpered in his arm, cooing her and brushing her tears away trying to help her to relax and realize that she was safe with him. He carried her to the recliner rocker that he had in his bedroom and sat down holding her bridal style and attempted to rock her to sleep. At least 2 hours passed, her tears would slow down and he would finally think maybe she was dozing off but then she would begin to cry again even harder.

“Shhh, I am here. I won't let him hurt you ever again Zaphira.” He tried consoling her but nothing seemed to be helping. He would secretly try to enter her mind to see what she was seeing that was upsetting her so much, but every time he went in her mind, he would see her flash backs that made him literally want to go rip Cezar's head off himself. With the torture and pain she has had to withstand, he had no idea how she managed to stay holding it together for this long. He would hold her all night if he had to.

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