Chapter 15

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©All Rights RESERVED- BFFBNJ aka Brenda M. England

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As If Life Could Get Any Worse

Chapter 15

Zaphira was never any good at staying mad anyone for very long. She tried her hardest to hate Chloe but every time she would look at her protector? friend? whatever she was, she just didn't have it in to hate her. She knew Chloe was sad, she would catch her looking at her. Every once in a while you would catch Chloe trying to open her mouth like she was going to say something but didn't. They went three days without speaking. It honestly was killing Zaphira just as much as it was Chloe.

The last three days Zaphira had trained extensively. Octavian made her run twenty-five miles on a treadmill a day and had showed her to handle herself with a sword, upped her bags of blood to twelve a day,and showed her the proper way to behead a vampire. Octavian said she had much to learn but it was necessary to know how to do this. She had to admit she wasn't very good at it...but she guessed practice makes perfect.

Today was no different than the others. Zaphira had just finished running her miles on the treadmill and you could hear clanking of the swords through the enormous home. Chloe watched from the doorway. Ever since that day that she said she hated Chloe, she hadn't been around her for more than five to ten minutes at a time.

“Okay Zaphira. Spread your legs as wide as your shoulders are. Try not to let me knock you over or lose your sword” Octavian coached.

Zaphira rolled her eyes,”Come at me big boy.” She was trying to be cocky, it wasn't working though because Octavian lunged at her knocking her right on her rear and disarming her.

She growled before springing up to her feet,”Again!” She snatched her sword from his grip.

Again Octavian lunged forward and...wham. She hit the floor with a thud. Thankfully, he wasn't able to disarm her this time. Anger boiled at her and heightened her senses. She was laying on her back, she rolled over to her stomach,then using her super strength and speed she zipped up and behind him. Thinking she finally had gotten one over on him, thats when he used his leg to quickly turn and kick the sword right out of her hand.

“Damn it! I am never going to get this shit.” Zaphira hissed through her fangs. That is something she had realized, when she used her super strength they just decided to show themselves. She was going to have to learn how to control those too. She stormed around the room.

“Again Zaphira!” he tossed her the sword. “You must use your size and speed to over take them. You did better that time but you have to anticipate what will happen.”

She looked at Octavian through narrowed eyes. Trying to size up her enemy. Or mate if that is what you wanted to believe...but she didn't care, she wasn't anyone's mate. The enemy was definitely the better way to describe least is Zaphira's eyes.

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