Chapter 13

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© All rights reserved – BFFBNJ aka Brenda M.England

I hope you guys like this next chapter. <3 Let me know what ya think!

As If Life Couldn't Get Any Worse

Chapter 13

I woke up mid-day the following morning. There was a note on the nightstand with four bags of blood.

Dear Zaphira,

I had to leave last night to go and see your father but here is four bags of blood. When you wake you must drink all of them and go to find Octavian. He is waiting for you to start your training but you must make sure your energy is at full potential.

Remember Sugar it is important that you do this. Your life depends on it...literally. I will be back this evening.

XxOo Chloe

Ps. I love you Zaphira.

My eyes hung on the first sentence. My father...I had a father. It seemed odd to have someone speak of a man as my father that I had never even met before. I wonder what he is like. I grabbed a bag if blood and popped it to my mouth, letting my teeth puncture the bags, I leaned back and began to day dream of what it would be like to finally meet him.

I mean everyone always hears the notorious stories of Dracula but this man wasn't just some fairy tale...he was my father and quite real. I wondered if he would be happy to see me. If he would give me a hug and beg for my forgiveness. Nah...I shook my head, he probably was a bastard but then again my mother did fall in love with him.

Octavian came into the room and broke me out of my trace of thoughts and well now..empty blood bags. He looked over and smiled at the factor I had drained them all. It still grossed me out. Yuck!

“What the hell are you smiling about?” I grabbed the empty bags and headed for the kitchen to throw them away. He followed behind me not saying a word. “Look just so we are perfectly clear..I don't like you and don't want to do this but..”I paused,”make sure that you don't touch me or I will kill you.”

A small chuckle escaped his lips.

I turned around unexpectedly and slammed my hand into his chest making him go flying. “I am very serious..believe me.”

The smile had left Octavian's lips, he flatly stated,”I am fully aware Zaphira and I am doing this because I gave my word to help your father in keeping you safe. I keep trying to tell you that I am not...your damned enemy here.”

Humph..yeah right! I turned and continued on my way to to dispose of my garbage.

“I am very serious Zaphira. I need for you to trust me and that the things I am about to teach you are for YOUR benefit.”

He grabbed my arm making me spin around. I looked down at his hand. “I thought I told you to not touch me?”

“You can't be serious Zaphira. How the hell do you expect me to train you if I can not touch you?”

“I don't know that's not my problem but I am sure you will figure it out.”

I had a new found hatred to men. They were all pieces of shit if you asked me. I snapped around and plopped down at the kitchen table.

“Okay look Zaphira. I need you to listen to me and listen carefully.”

Ut ohh..something tells me I really pissed Octavian off. Through narrowed eyes I listened. Not because I wanted to do what he said but because I just couldn't think of anything clever to say...yet.

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