Chapter 1

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©BFFBNJ aka Brenda M. England 2011

*****I have edited the first 9 chapters. I am sure I still missed some things but please dont be too harsh on me if I did miss them lol*****

FIRST 5 Chapters are edited as far as I can tell. I may have missed some things so if you see something that i did wrong please send me a message and I will fix it, otherwise enjoy! Chapter 6 is in progress at the moment.

Hi Guys! Thanks for stopping by and reading my story. Please take a few minutes to vote or Comment on my story. Any comments are better than no comments. This is my 2nd attempt at writing a story on wattpad. The other story I haven't finished and will eventually but It just lost its spark for me. BUT I am definitely feeling this story so I hope you guys love it as much as I loved writing it! Please be aware there may be cursing and sexual things in my stories. I will try to keep it as clean as possible though. ENJOY!

 BTW the pic to the right is how I picture Zaphira Love.

As If Life Couldn't Get Any Worse

Chapter 1

With a big sigh, Zaphira laid her bags on the floor of her new home. She was glad she had made it before anyone else. Well, seeing that she didn't have anything she was leaving behind, it made it all the easier for her to begin her new life. This was a new day and she was determined to make the rest of her life much better than the first 18 years.

A new sense of relief washed over her as she looked around at the dorm room. The room had tan colored walls and if you looked close enough you could see that it had been recently painted. She ran her hand along the wall, feeling what must have been carvings from other college dorm students over the years. Glancing from bed to bed Zaphira decided she wanted the bed closest to the window. She always loved watching the moon and stars at night, so that one would be perfect. With a sense of giddiness she flopped on her new bed.

That's when she heard someone messing with the door handle. Quickly she sat up, just in time to see what she assumed must be her new roommate. Having had many people come and go in her life at the orphanage, she never allowed herself to get to close to people. She surely wasn't going to start now. She laid back on the bed acting as if she didn't care about her new roommate. Grabbing her cheap mp3 player and putting the headphones in her ears, she acted like she wasn't paying attention.

The red haired girl waved excitedly at her as she brought her things in the room. Her family following closely behind her. Zaphira waved nonchalantly at the girl. Trying to enjoy her music and ignoring the happy family coming into the room. Deep down she wished she had a family who brought her to her first day at the new college. But she tried not to dwell on that factor. That was exactly the reason she got here early, just so she didn't have to deal with much of that at all. She peered through slanted eyes. Watching  as they embraced each other and brought the rest of her things into their new room. Good lord she has a lot of stuff.

Maybe, if I close my eyes they will think I'm asleep.

She didn't mean to fall asleep. Stretching, Zaphira yawned and looked around the room. Hmm, her roommate was gone. Good! Now she could finish unpacking her duffel bag full of clothes. She was too ashamed to do it while they were there. Her new roommate was well off, there was no doubt about that. The red haired rich girls things had made Zaphira's and all her things look pathetic. The first thing she was going to do tomorrow was look for a job so she could start getting herself some things.

Determined. she shoved her old jeans and shirts in the drawers before sadness over took her. It is okay, I can do this, I deserve to be happy, I said to myself. She was trying to convince herself, maybe if she said it enough she'd actually believe it.

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