Chapter 8

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©BFFBNJ aka Brenda M. England 2011

This is how I picture Cezar--------------------------->>>>


So after the harsh last chapter I hope you will get some peace out of this one.

As If Life Couldn't Get Any Worse

Chapter 8

Octavian woke from a deep sleep to hear a huge pounding going on at his door. What in the hell.... “Coming,” he grabbed his robe and zipped to the door. "What in world are you doing banging on my door at three in the damned morning? “

“Something has happened Octavian I can feel it. I can feel it with every ounce of my being.” She came into the house walking straight for his liquor cabinet. “Zaphira never came home last night.”

With the mention of Zaphira, Octavian's eyes opened wide. “What do you mean she never made it home?”

Yelling at Octavian, “What the fuck do you think I mean. She never came home!” pacing back and forth while drinking her brandy. “I left the club at midnight, you were supposed to watch her Octavian.”

“Well what the fuck Chloe, I did watch her. She was there until after closing. I left right when we locked the doors. “He paused, “no wait. I was arguing with....with Cezar and I threw him out of the building and she left before I got a chance to see her off.”

Chloe looked up at Octavian. “You don't think he would..ya know? Would he take Zaphira?”

“I don't think he would be that stupid, but he is my half brother after all so who the hell knows. I told him to stay the hell away from her. So, I really don't think he would be that damned stupid.” Rubbing his chin he looked over to Chloe. “If she doesn't show up to work tomorrow we will have to start looking for her. Maybe she found a guy or something Chloe.”

Chloe sighed, he was right. Zaphira had guys giving her phone numbers left and right. There wasn't a time that they went to NightHaven that she didn't walk out of there with ten to twenty different phone numbers.

“OK Oc, I will give her til tomorrow and then I am ripping these streets apart til I find her. You hear me?“ and with a blink she was gone.

The next evening came and no Zaphira. Chloe had shown up at the club to say that she had missed her first day of classes. That's when we knew we decided to start doing some searching.

Chloe was going to visit all of the girls that worked that night with Zaphira and Octavian was going to visit the one and only brother he had. Well...half brother that is. They were going to meet up at midnight to see what they had figured out. If they found Zaphira, they were to phone each other immediately.

 ~Chloe's search~

She had visited every one of the girls. All of them had said they had seen her leave and the one girl said they she had even walked back to the campus together only to part ways at the corner. Her going to her dorm and Zaphira going to their's. Well then where the hell was she because she sure as hell never made it to the room.

She tried to trace her steps from the club back to their dorm. Looking for any possible clues as to where she was at. Sadly, she came to a dead end. She decided to speak to the bartenders too. She wanted to see if maybe one of them had a conversation with Zaphira before she left. Maybe she told them she met a boy or something.

The bartender Alexis said Zaphira had asked about Octavian and Cezar. She explained how she had told Zaphira they were half brothers. That was the extent of the conversation. That sure as hell didn’t help any! The worry seemed to sit even heavier in Chloe's stomach. She had promised Zaphira she would take care of her and shes gone.

She headed back to the club to see what Octavian had discovered. Hopefully it was a hell of a lot more than she had.

 ~Octavian's search~

He had reached his brothers house in time to see Anthea storming out of the house. What the...?

“Hey Anthea. What's up?” he asked her out of mere curiosity. Frankly he didn't know what his brother seen, in the cold-hearted bitch, but was his life after all.

“Fuck off Octavian. This is all your fucking fault.” She screamed as she got into her Porsche and sped off. He shrugged, he was used to everything being his fault.

Huh?! Octavian was confused. But that was the least of his worries at this moment. He headed for the door to see his brother coming out to, what he assumed, was to stop Anthea from leaving.

“Ohh hey Brother.” he seemed startled, he hadn't expected to find Octavian on his doorstep. “What are you doing here?”

“Can I come in?” he needed to get inside to see if he could find traces of Zaphira.

“Uh..I guess.” Hesitant, he opened the door and lead them into the parlor. “What can I do for you Octavian, you never just stop by to come see me.”

He tried to delay his evil half brother as he looked around. “What? Can't a brother come visit once in a while?”

“Seriously Octavian cut to the chase.” Cezar was not convinced at all. But he tried to play it cool, no need to make his brother suspicious.

Octavian stood up and started to pace, knowing his questions were going to piss Cezar off completely. “You know the beauty that I just hired in the nightclub?”

Cezar didn't answer right away. He acted as if he was thinking. “No not sure, which one?”

“You know which one. The one with the voice of an angel and green eyes like emeralds?” Frustrated, “She has long brown hair too. Quit playing Cezar, it is the same girl you asked me about the other night at the club.”

A smile came across his face, “Oh yes.. yes.. of course. What of the little beauty?”

In the blink of an eye Octavian was face to face with Cezar. “Where is she Cezar, I know you have her!”

In another second Cezar had flipped Octavian on to his back on the floor, “What are you rambling on about? I don't have your precious beauty. Now leave my house before I make you leave!”

Octavian jumped up onto his feet. “If I find out you have done anything to her, I will kill you..Brother or NOT!”

Then he was out the door and headed back to meet Chloe to see what she had found out.


Chloe and Octavian exchanged information and decided that they were almost positive that Cezar had Zaphira. Now they just needed a reason to get into the house or some way of getting her out. THAT was going to prove to be a tricky thing. In the ways of vampires you could not enter the home of a vampire without it's master being home.

Ok guys I know that was a short chapter but it needed to be done so you could see that they were going to search for Zaphira.

XOXOXOX- comment plz <3 Brenda

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